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Monday, January 2nd, 2023 6:02 AM

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Title of Early 1970s Children's Movie about Golden Apples and Golden Key

Title of Early 1970s Children's Movie about Golden Apples and Golden Key 

It was a foreign movie I saw in Minneapolis in 1976 or 1977, dubbed in English. It was not a cartoon.  There was a scale upon which a fake large Golden Key was balanced against the real Golden Key.  OR it could be that the fake golden apples were balanced on a scale against the real Golden Apples.  A man who was tied up talked to a leaf and put the leaf in his lips. Then he was freed from his binds.  A man was trapped in the bottom of a very tall Tower.   He climbed out with a rope someone sent down to him.

15 years ago someone on this forum answered this question for me, AND I found the movie online, but I lost the movie in a computer transfer and I've forgotten the title.  Please help me one more time.  Thank you.

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