fred_cova's profile

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90 Points

Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 7:40 AM

Trying to find the name of this Horror Movie

So I don't remember much about this film and its driving me nuts trying to find it. I remember that it is about a handful of teenagers coming off a prom or dance of some sort. They decide to whoop it up in this creepy house. Then suddenly a group or family of deformed or mutated people come out and start killing everybody one by one. The most significant scenes I remember are a guy gets badly sliced, like no legs.... and he's crawling through an air duct hiding/looking for help. Then another guy decides to run for it and gets caught by a bear trap.... and I remember one girl gets drowned in a bathtub.
I can't place any of the faces as famous people I recognize so it may have been a low budget campy B movie, but if anyone has the slightest idea please give me a shout.

9K Messages


166.1K Points

4 years ago

Sounds like a chainsaw movie. I got some images of movies coming up. Maybe I saw it, but then a long time ago. When did you see it? I guess the movie plays at night, because of the prom. Please tell.

2 Messages


90 Points

4 years ago

Hello, I appreciate the responses from Breumaster and Oswald. I had looked over those franchises and they were not the movies, though I know my sparse details aren't helping =\ It has been at least 5 or 10 years since I saw this movie, but remembering the camera style it seemed like a late 80s early 90s movie, and none of the faces I remember are any well known actor, hence my belief it is an obscure B or C movie.
Yes Breumaster, it was definitely at night, and as usual it all occurs in a single, longest night of your life.... with no neighboring hero to bust in and help..... cheesy but that's horror lol
Also Oswald- no it wasn't a cannibalistic thing, it was more of a, you guys fucked up by coming into the wrong house situation... The place the teens went after their party was just a random 'abandoned' house to hook up in not one of their own houses. I definitely looked into the Wrong Turn, and Hills movies as well as the chainsaw, hostel and the main Halloween, Friday 13th's etc....
If anyone has a random guess I'd greatly appreciate it, no idea why but this movie has been stuck in my head for weeks and I just need to go watch it again to make it go away hahahaha

2.7K Messages


47K Points

3 years ago

Here is a list of horror movies with "bear-trap" as a keyword:,asc&mode=detail&page=1&genres=Horror

Maybe it's in there?


1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

Could it be 'The Funhouse' (1981)?