3 Messages
110 Points
Where & who's in combined animated & live action of TEEN WOLF?
IMDb had an entry of a TV/Short Movie title of Teen Wolf version of where it’s an animated wolf & real redhead woman against a police line up or at least had lines that looks like that behind them which came out (2010) & i don’t when searching for Teen Wolf on IMDb.com but now can't find this entry of the combinad animation & live action (Not MTV version) who & where to find more info? (Could have been a FOX Channel related?)
(I’d post an image but the last 2 times my posts have an image been deleted where no reason or any message explains why? Exactly since it was on IMDb.com & only wondering really why this version I saw on IMDb.com entry is now gone when I try searching for, only been curious to know more since it is a info on TV/Movie stuff related tobut since they had it on there I thought it only help was NOT taking credit only an trying to find out more about that’s all
If anyone could help or if someone who has been deleting the previous of my last & only posts has what this version of this was?
Or at aleast tell me why they were deleted? I came in here trying to find info on why & where I can find out more & ONLY had this picture from IMDb.com to go from since now I can’t find that title entry of the combined animation & live action Teen Wolf entry?
thank You!
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