1 Message
72 Points
Willing to find a series from my childhood
Long story short,
when I was a kid I really loved to watch discovery channel (don't remember exactly which one it was, discovery science or its simple version).
And during those times (around 2010 - 2015, my poor memory won't let me to access an exact time) there were broadcasted my two favourite shows.
First one was Doctor House, which is widely known even nowadays and the second one was the show i'm looking for (I believed it was called Miami Police, but when I tried to search for something with this name nothing familiar poped out).
The only thing I remember clearly, is that during the show police (main protagonists of the show) robbed a bank twice.
First time to trade with some kind of a bad guy, but he just burned the money and so they had to do it second time for some reason.
To conclude, I just want to ask:
Does someone remember this kind of a show and if yes, how it's called?
10.7K Messages
225.5K Points
2 years ago
Do you remember whether these police officers were patrol officers, SWAT officers or detectives? Were they definitely in Miami or possibly anywhere with palm trees growing?