jefferson_alves's profile

4 Messages


652 Points

Thursday, January 31st, 2013 5:13 PM

No Status


Add buttons to add titles to seen list

The mobile Apps (iOS/Android) have the option on the top of the movie/TV Show poster, a bookmark-button that allows me to add it straight to my watchlist. I love this feature because of its practicability. However, on the website you have to enter the page to do that (that will depend on the layout of the website), well, in the end it will take 'a lot' of clicks to go there and just add it to my watchlist.Another option that isn't available on the website is the option for one-click(similar to the watchlist bookmark-button on the poster option [for Apps]), to add the titles that I've already seen, we have the App option: Check-In, but I have to open another page to choose if I want to share on Facebook, this option could be set on user preferences, so I don't have to choose it all the time, it's horrible to uncheck the box because I don't want to share, I just want to keep track of my movies.The first image below is a screenshot taken from my Android App (and that bookmark isn't available in the web version) the second and the third is how I imagine the new buttons.In the end, both website and Apps could have two options on the movie/TV Show poster, one to add in one-click to my watchlist and another for my seen or watched list.

4 Messages


652 Points

12 years ago

Obviously the Watchlist option wouldn't be needed because the person has already seen the title. But if the person wants to rewatch the movie in the future, it could still be maintained.

16 Messages


210 Points

So maybe it's the opposite of what a person needs

1 Message


80 Points

12 years ago

I wholeheartedly support this (with button 2 above being optimal). In fact, I've been looking for a way to do exactly this. Or somehow to add a movie to my personally-created list of "Every movie I've ever seen" Presently, what I have to do, is to either log in from Chrome for Android (which asks me to open with Chrome or the IMDB app upon EVERY single page-change!), which is really slow and grueling, or to simply Add it to my Watchlist, and the next time I'm viewing/editing it from a computer, I remember to open the page, remove it from the Watchlist, and add it to my Personal list. Very circuitous.

2 Messages


124 Points

11 years ago

Very nice, I second this 100%! I hope IMDB notices this.

1 Message


96 Points

11 years ago

+1 to the idea (already been following another thread about the same idea.). Both the Mock-ups are perfect!!

6 Messages


152 Points

11 years ago

Awesome idea!!! Gratz! I've been waiting for a "watched" feature for a long time now. I hope they listen to you. Good job!

1 Message


62 Points

10 years ago

I think most common purpose of people who register to imdb is finding new movies of their own taste. That would be great if I see a suggested list on the top page of imdb according to my watched.

47 Messages


9K Points

10 years ago

I like the idea as well. In the meantime.... you can rate titles you've watched. And Use this as a proxy for "watched"

6 Messages


152 Points

Yann. Correct me if I'm wrong but when I rate a movie, when I get back to that movie's page, the rating shown is now my own rating and not the default IMDB rating, right?

If I could choose not to see my own rating, your approach would be the best one until (hopefully, fingers crossed, praying to lord, omg please add this feature) the 'watched' feature is delivered.

47 Messages


9K Points

Yup. You see both your rating and the IMDb average on the movie page. In addition you can see all of the titles you've rated sorted by recency or rating in the "Your Ratings" list.

6 Messages


152 Points

Yeah you are right!
Just the 'stars used to rate component' gets overwritten. That's ok. I'd like to keep even the stars to reflect user's rating and not mine. I'm going to use your suggestion for now. Thanks.

I'm going to rate everything I've seen to 10 just because I (and most people that wants this new feature) just want the 'watched' flag and not actually rate the movie.

One side effect of using the rating system to get this done is that the rating will not reflect actual user's rating, since some of them will use it just to flag the movie.

Let's hope this feature gets delivered one day. =)

47 Messages


9K Points

We've been noodling with the idea of adding a =null= rating to the standard 1-10 scale. This would prevent "fake" ratings from skewing the average. Selecting Seen would still add the title to "Your Ratings" where Seen titles would be shown sorted by recency (or grouped by Seen sorted by name when sorted by rating). Would that work?

6 Messages


152 Points

That's a great solution in my opinion!
-Like you said, it doesn't mess up the rating calculation;
-No need to create another list that way;
-It already implements the logic that 'rated movies for real' are 'seen movies' as well;
-It fulfils our need to just mark a movie without really rating it.

A message to let users know they can check their 'seen movies' on "Your Ratings" would do it.

I'd say go with that! If you need any help, let me know. =p

1 Message


62 Points

The =null= rating would be incredibly useful ... any news on that?

2 Messages


234 Points


4 Messages


652 Points

7 years ago

3 years later...  At least there are other platforms. 

2 Messages


70 Points

7 years ago

There is a chance to rate a movie. You can then see all the movies you rated and seen in the ratings section. I just want to have a "sort" option there.

6 Messages


152 Points

But the point here is to mark a movie as seen but not rate it, since some people (like me) doesn't want/like to rate it.
Your method is the one I'm using right now but I rate everything as 10 so technically I'm screwing up the rating system. If enough people think like me, soon the rating system won't be as accurate as it is today.

2 Messages


70 Points

Do not rate all the movies for 10 stars. You do not have your own point of view? You do not have to write long résumée of the movie ... There is even a chance like make your ratings private/public in website ;)

6 Messages


152 Points

=) Yeah man. I see what you mean.
I think everyone has their own opinion about not wanting to rate stuff. Maybe it's not about public/private matters or having their own opinion. Who knows.

It's just a request for a feature. Some people want to just mark stuff as seen rather than rate it. It's as simple as that.

2 Messages


82 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled "Watched" button besides "Add to Watchlist".

Having a "Watched" list would be the best thing to have. This feature has been asked by many users over the years, but it was not added. For the mobile app, it would be perfect to have a button with a tick icon or something, and it could be on the right (this is a suggestion).

Rating should not be the only option. When you rate a movie, you can still add it to the watchlist, making it a mess and you end up spending more time with it, removing it manually.
Rotten Tomatoes has a similar feature, it does not allow to both rate and add it to "Watch to watch" list. Since you have a mobile app as well, which makes you guys better, why not make it perfect. When I click on "Watched", it would remove the movie/show from the "Watchlist" and the other way around.

You can mark a movie/show as watched, and a popup could pop and ask to rate (with options to hide the popup forever, later, or rate now).

I think the users should have more options, but this is a must.

2 Messages


112 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Check-in badge.

Why cant we have a badge on the top of the movie cover, for checked-in movies? Like we have to watchlist. I know lot of people who use watchlist as checked-in list just because is easy to mark like one-click-only. It could be the watchlist badge on the up left corner in green color, like it is today, and checked-in badge could on the up right corner (or maybe down corner), maybe on blue color or whatever. I'm pretty sure this would be veeeeery useful to many people. Thanks!

2 Messages


102 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Check-in marks on episode guides.

It would be great that check marks appear on the series episode guides. It will be very easy to see what episodes have been watched in a serie. Now it's very hard to use the check-in system as it's hard to see the elements checked.

2 Messages


82 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled add movie not seen yet.

We have the "watched list" very easy to access and easy to add movie on it.
But when I go thought IMDB, I find also new movies that I want to flag.
For the moment, the ergonomic solution is to add the movie to the "watched list" but this list should gather movies seen. Thus I request the introduction of a new button, very similar to "+" of the watched list but for a waiting list (maybe a "!" Symbolizing "I want to watch it!"). This waiting list will gather movies that interests me and that I will see soon. Then when I saw it, an easy option allows me to move the specific movie to the watched list.

2 Messages


82 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Show status check-in.

It would be nice if you would be able to see whether you've already checked in with an movie. This way I do not have double check-ins on my list.
Idea: use an icon to show this, just like the watchlist icon.

2 Messages


82 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Mark specific TV show season as watched?.

It would be great if we could mark as "watched" specific seasons of a show in our watchlist.

I like to watch a season after its completed, and that takes at least a year. So when the time comes I don't remember what season I'm on.



1.9K Messages


92.6K Points

This is not going to happen, because 'season' does not exist as a separate entity in the database. It only exists as the integer portion of the Episode number. It is easy to display Season info by extracting it from the various episodes. For example, if they wanted to indicate the years for a season [e.g. Season 2 (2011-2012)] they just extract the air date from the lowest episode number in the season (2.0 or 2.1) and then from the highest episode still with 2 as the integer, and format and display it.
But you want to store a season flag, and there is nowhere in the database to save it. Creating a whole new level just doesn't make sense for such a minor item.

There is a workaround or two.
1) You can just flag each episode as watched as you watch it.
2) If you don't want all that data, you could set up a new list possibly titled Seasons and add the first (or last) episode of each season to it when you have finished it. You could even add the first episode when you start the season and the last when you finish, which would also show you that you have started but not finished a particular season.