imdbprogetsatisfactionaccount's profile

17 Messages


492 Points

Saturday, June 29th, 2019 4:25 AM


Filtering/Sorting Options For Tracked Items

I have a very lengthy list of tracked items.

The ability to seperate into Titles/People is a nice start but is very basic. The kind of filters that are already in use for lists in IMDb need to be applied to the tracking list. A simple example would be by "Added Date" which is already in use on IMBb.

A helpful addition relevant to tracking via IMDbPro would be to be able to filter by "Production Status". The vast majority of the pages I track are in various stages of development/production as opposed to released.

I'm aware that IMDbPro may be primarily a service for professionals so perhaps the % of users using it as a tracking service are minimal however you have the ability to corner the market here for people that are not professionals and already use IMDb as a source of info but want more. For a service that is paid for so that I can track updates to filmography a basic filtering function above what is already available should be pretty standard.

I'm already loving what IMDbPro offers me for tracking so thank you heaps for that but filtering functions that arent even that advanced seem fairly as the norm especially for something somebodys paying for.
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