1 Message
70 Points
Returning to where I was
What I really, REALLY, REALLY don't like about IMDb (which, in general, I like a lot) is that when I'm deep into the past of an actor's films, is that when I have opened a film, but want to return to the actor to continue into his past past, I then have to scroll, *scroll*, and SCROLL to get back to where I was in the past to keep looking at the actor's past from where I left off. Why can't IMDb take me back to where I was? I know it's possible. Other websites do it.
2 Messages
70 Points
23 days ago
Hello. Im using samsung a55 and when i go to a movie/serial an go back to home page its always goes on top... anyone has a fix ? Its very very annoying and it makes me not using the app -> unnistall