2 Messages


80 Points

Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 5:00 PM

No Status


Filtering You Might Also Like

This might be an idea but mostly it is a problem

in “ you might like” because you watched whatever section all the movies are the movies that i watched already. This dont make sense at all. I watched it and rated it already why does it still pop in you might also like place ???



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

1 year ago

Hi @Heteka -

I will turn into an idea post so users can vote on it and we can highlight it to teams in charge!




5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

1 year ago

On a title page that I've rated, the suggestions should not include other titles I've rated.

However, if I haven't rated the title where the suggestions appear, showing "similar" titles with my rating can be helpful for determining whether I want to see this one.



7.4K Messages


181K Points

1 year ago

@Heteka We assume you are referring to the feature on the app home page? If so, is this on iOS or Android? 

2 Messages


80 Points

Thank you for your response

It is on IOS

As you can see from the screen shot I’ve already rate the title  but it still shows up on ”You might also like” list which doesn’t make a lot of sense