49 Messages
1K Points
Mark titles as not interested.
My current workaround is rating titles with 1 star, but that is certainly not ideal.
In my dreams, such an interface would have the title thumbnail produce a “watchlist or not interested” choice. Selecting the former would change the ribbon color to yellow as it currently does while selecting the latter would change it to red.
4.5K Messages
71.6K Points
3 years ago
7.5K Messages
182.3K Points
3 years ago
@troywindhorst We are interested in a little more detail on the suggestion here. You have posted this in the iOS app category and the functionality you are requesting already exists.
We assume you are referring to the recommendations in "Top picks for you" on the app home page:
Under each title there's an "i" inside a circle. If you tap this symbol, the feature to indicate you are not interested in the recommendation is in the menu which will appear:
1 Message
60 Points
1 year ago
The Not Interested action should be available on the detailed view of a movie/show, not just under the tiny (i) icon on the thumbnail under Top Picks for You.
As it is now, the action is not discoverable, and there are plenty of times I want to indicate that I never want to see a movie/show in other areas of the app.
49 Messages
1K Points
1 year ago
2 Messages
70 Points
1 year ago
IMDB has become my go to for managing my watchlist, getting recommendations and reviews. But it drives me absolutely nuts that I keep getting recommended to watch content that either I’ve already rated or that I’m just not interested in. Please consider adding a not interested button so that you can avoid being recommended the same content in the future, as well as a preference setting not to recommend content already rated.
while I’m at it, it would be great if there was a visual indicator when an item is already on ant of your watch lists, not just the main one.
4 Messages
106 Points
4 months ago
Made a somewhat similar suggestion a while back. Really hope they add a feature for us to remove from view anything we don't wish to see. Because those titles get in the way of finding things we actually wish to see. And I don't just mean removed from recommendations. Would like to see dropped titles removed from genre lists and searches also. From all lists actually except the dropped list the title has been added to.
Like I said in an earlier reply, I'd add hundreds to thousands of titles to a drop list within the first few days of the implementation for such a feature.
9 Messages
166 Points
2 months ago
Or make the lists unlimited, so one can make a list "Not Interested" and put there every "not interested" title.