1 Message


70 Points

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 9:53 PM

No Status


'Seen Movies' Indicator

I’m posting this to suggest it would be very useful if the profile pages of the movies had an indicator that the movie is already on your check-in list and you have seen it.

The check-in list for checking the movies you have seen it’s good and it is very useful that every time you re-watch a movie you can check it in again, but there is no indicator in the movie profiles that indicates that you have already seen that movie and checked it in, as it appears with those movies that are in your watchlist.



89 Messages


3.3K Points

1 month ago

Hi @luciasileoni,

Thanks for sharing! I'm passing along your idea to the team. Agreed, we have an opportunity to improve how we display the movies and shows you've already seen, and appreciate the idea.
