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Sunday, October 20th, 2024 11:11 PM

2 LIVE POLLS: Favorite Fictional Cinematic Frog or Toad Character(s)?

On October 26th 2024, American Frog Day celebrates thirty years of supporting the scientific order of Anura that comprises frog and toad species. In addition to education about frog and toads for breeders and hobbyists, the organization has promoted worldwide conservation efforts for the all animals of this order. In honor of the milestone achievement and in celebration of the date, a set of polls featuring fictional frogs, toads and other similar characters from both feature-length movies and all forms of short film.

Fictional Hand-Drawn / Digitally Animated Movie or Short Film Frog or Toad Character(s)

Which of these selected fictional frog, toad or anthropomorphic anura-like characters* from a hand-drawn or digitally animated* movie or short film is your favorite?

*answer pool includes hand-drawn animation and digital animation films but excludes stop-motion animation films

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/IZTE0x_AcZY/

Quick View: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls549766414/copy/  

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls549766414/ (ready)

Fictional Live-Action / Stop-Motion Movie or Short Film Frog or Toad Character(s)

Which of these selected fictional frog, toad or anthropomorphic anura-like characters from a live-action or a stop-motion movie or short film is your favorite?

*answer pool includes both live-action films and stop-motion animation films

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/bDEWWj2iBBk/

Quick View: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls549101950/copy/

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls549101950/ (ready)

*Since live-action movie Anura order characters are depicted using are variety of ways including actual frogs, costumed human actors, puppet frogs, prop frogs, digitally animated frogs, hand-drawn animated frogs, animatronic frogs, and other means. I have to chosen to pair the stop-motion animated frog films within the live-action category to better group like means of depicting frog characters and to better balance the answer pools in the two lists.

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

3 months ago

Honorable Mention / Possible Inclusion Fictional Frog & Toad Movie Characters

Fictional Hand-Drawn / Digitally Animated Movie or Short Film Frog or Toad Character(s)


Fictional Live-Action / Stop-Motion Movie or Short Film Frog or Toad Character(s)




14.5K Messages


331.6K Points

3 months ago

In the question: hand-drawn



14.5K Messages


331.6K Points

When you say anamorphic, do you mean anthropomorphic?

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Thanks, I corrected the hand-drawn spelling. I also meant anthropomorphic, so I made the necessary corrections for using that term. Both polls should be ready now.

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

@Jessica​ Thanks, moved to Praise.