urbanemovies's profile

9.8K Messages


161.4K Points

Friday, April 26th, 2019 7:29 AM


3 PS: Greatest "Games of Thrones" Scene or Moment (Not Ready)

A set of poll suggestions intended to be published as a Game of Thrones (2011) retrospective. It would highlight the nine year series' best moments. As well as, take a postmortem look at the what scenes fans most connected with over the entire run upon the series conclusion.  I split the poll suggestion into three parts, as a proper tribute to one the best TV series ever, covering some 73 episodes and 75+ hours with about 100 well-remembered scenes and moments.  

Act I - Setup: Exposition, Inciting Incident, Episodes 01-30 covering 2011-2013 seasons
Greatest "Games of Thrones" Early Scene or Moment

In your opinion, which of these selected  "Game of Thrones" scenes or moments is the greatest from the beginning act of the series?

See the partial list of great early "Games of Thrones" moments or scenes here: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls042839331/

Act II - Confrontation: Rising Action, Episodes 31-60 covering 2014-2016 seasons
Greatest "Games of Thrones" Middle Scene or Moment

In your opinion, which of these selected "Game of Thrones" scenes or moments is the greatest from the middle act of the series?

See the partial list of great middle "Games of Thrones" moments or scenes here: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls044040521/

Act III - Resolution: Pre Climax, Climax, Episodes 61-73 covering 2017-2019 seasons
Greatest "Games of Thrones" Later Scene or Moment

In your opinion, which of these selected "Game of Thrones" scenes or moments is the greatest from the final act of the series?

See the partial list of great later "Games of Thrones" moments or scenes here: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls042866725/

SPOILER ALERT: Poll images may reveal Game of Thrones (2011) moments, scenes and plot points through the final episode in the 2019 season.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

5 years ago

A great series.

My votes are, for poll number 1, Sirio Forell final battle to save Arya. I always wanted to see more of him and his death still angries Me like no other. Honorable mention to the battle of Blackwater, but that was an epic episode that cannot be left to a single scene.

poll number 2. This is the easiest and it is the trial of Tyrion. His final monologue full of wrath is my favourite scene of the whole series

In poll number 3, Jamie charging against the dragon was an epic moment, and probably the last time I really feared for someone's life.

Perhaps a small description as reminder of the scene would be good. While I think that you'll remember really left a mark and that will get your vote. You may not place all of them. There are some pictures I'm not completely sure of what they reflect and thus I'm refraining from suggesting what should be left out.

9.8K Messages


161.4K Points

Thanks, still working the series images. I haven't pick my three favorite moments, but I would concur with your picks, as at least being in the conversation among the the top moments from the entire GoT series.

I gave some thought to adding descriptions, but decided against it. I thought it would limit each images range and would place my interpretation on it, which may differ from the poll takers. For, instance Jamie charging against the dragon had three key moments 1) Jamie's decision to take the risk and attempt to kill Daenerys 2) Drogon protecting Daenerys by breathing fire toward Jamie 3) Bronn last minute heroics by pushing Jamie off his mount into the lake. By picking one, I exclude the other two and by recapping all three it makes the poll too complicated. It seems to be better without descriptions.

9.8K Messages


161.4K Points

5 years ago
