jaf_ismael's profile

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Friday, March 8th, 2024 11:24 AM

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Actors Who Turned Directors and Won Best Picture in Films They Directed Themselves in

Which one was the best in your opinion?


8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

7 months ago

@jaf_ismael 😀

Related Conversation??

GabrielFox 🦊
Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

‎Poll Suggestion:

Directors Who Directed Themselves To An Academy Awards Performance Nomination
It is not easy directing a major Hollywood feature film.
It's perhaps equally challenging starring in one. 
But to do both is perhaps the most daunting task of all. 
It’s undoubtedly a grueling and difficult process, 
but these actors were up to the challenge.
Which one of these actors impressed you with his direction and performance?

https://www.imdb.com/list/ls529754483/ - 15 names


4.5K Messages


71K Points

7 months ago

Laurence Olivier also did it in 1948 for Hamlet (1948). He won Best Picture and Best Actor.



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

8 days ago

Congratulations, @jaf_ismael!

jafar413's Profile • IMDbPollStats

Actors Who Turned Directors and Won Best Picture in Films They Directed Themselves in

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/daQyfEJNGvc/

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


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4K Messages


85.9K Points

6 days ago

I DID NOT expect Bradley Cooper in the Betty White option. That's pretty bold. I appreciate that.