1 Message
90 Points
Best Game of Thrones season so far...
Game of Thrones is back this Sunday with it's seventh season after a long break. Which season of Game of Thrones was the most thrilling and engaging to you, so far? List: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls068497525/#1
10.1K Messages
164.6K Points
8 years ago
Well done, a couple quick pointers.
1) You have a duplicate thread, you should delete or remove the other thread here:
Best Game of Thrones season so far... so all comments will be on a single thread.
2) You should add a back link at the bottom of your introduction, Here's how: [link=
Discuss the topic here.[/link]3) It is best to search or google your poll suggestion before hand to see if there is an existing poll. e.g. site:imdb.com/poll best game of thrones seasons
There is already a similar published poll on the same topic:
Poll: Favorite Game of Thrones Season
This is the full FAQ regarding user suggested polls:
FAQ:So You Want to Make an IMDb Poll? Here's How...
Please note: Polls are limited to 35 choices.
A great option to get your first live poll, right now is to make an Emmy poll suggestion. Go to this thread FAQ: 2017 Emmys Nominees and pick an open category and use one of the other created poll suggestions as a guide on how to format your title, question and options. Once you complete your list, post on the Imdb poll thread, as well as posting a link to it on the FAQ: 2017 Emmys Nominees. (note: limit two Emmy poll suggestion per user, one major award and one minor award)