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Saturday, June 8th, 2024 9:45 AM

LIVE POLL: Best Peter Dinklage Movie Character Performance

Peter Dinklage celebrates his 55th birthday on June 11, 2024. The American actor's breakthrough came in Tom McCarthy's The Station Agent (2003), for which Dinklage would receive a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination for Best Actor and an Independent Spirit Awards nomination for Best Male Lead for his portrayal. But, it would be his portrayal as Tyrion Lannister in HBO's fantasy drama Game of Thrones (2011) that would make him an international star. His performance in the role earned him a record four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series, among other accolades and nominations. To date, Dinklage has fifty plus movie credits, as well as two dozen television and nearly a dozen professional stage credits. 

Which of these selected Peter Dinklage character performances is his best career movie performance, so far?

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/BZq3Q4l8wlQ/

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls547386746/copy/

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

3 months ago

Honorable Mention / Possible Inclusion Peter Dinklage Movie Performances


51 Messages


562 Points

3 months ago

Yes, the actor is great, but I'm afraid his most famous period is behind him. I don't see him as anything more than a supporting actor anymore. 

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@stv_cnnr​ Yes, I don't think he will ever see a better role more suited for his beliefs and talents than Tyrion Lannister.

I do think he has had about a dozen excellent movie performances, plus he has been more than a few interesting independent film productions that are worth watching and makes a habit of working very talented co-stars and crew. This poll works because it removes the Tyrion Lannister answer option and make the poll competitive because of the wide range of movie roles he has had over the past 30 years.


51 Messages


562 Points

That's right. You're absolutely right, but you have to admit he's not gonna be a world-class actor anymore.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@stv_cnnr​ I don't agree.

Maybe, you aren't seeing him in the right movies. If you have only seen him in Underdog, Pixels, and The Boss I can I understand those roles are far removed from his GoT role. I have seen a fair amount of his movies and would disagree. Some of his recent movies and performances have been very good to great, while others were just good and okay. I listed most of his better performances near the top of the poll.

Plus, as stated earlier it is unfair to judge everything he does by his performance as Tyrion Lannister. I don't expect Aaron Judge of baseball's New York Yankees to hit a home run every time he gets an at-bat, don't expect him to deliver Oscars-caliber or Emmy-caliber performances in every role either. That was a "once in a lifetime" role that matched "world class" talent in every phase of production and an actor perfect for the role. I think it showed his true potential or his high bar as an actor. So, if such a "perfect storm" of circumstances were to happened again, I would expect him to pull off a similar performance. I also think he does a fair amount of independent films which are not on the same budget scale as GoT, which may influence some people's relative opinions.

Plus, I really think you see his talent in his voice work, for me those roles showcase his abilities as an actor. 


51 Messages


562 Points

@urbanemovies​ You don't understand. I didn't mean he's a bad actor or anything like that. I meant that he's not a world-class actor. Do you remember many movies where he played a lead role and not a great but minor one? 

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points


He actually plays the the lead or a top-four billed starring role far more often than he plays a supporting role. He did get cast in mostly supportng roles pre-GoT, but I would say he gets cast as one of leads about 67%+ of the time since GoT. If you think he is only playing supporting roles than you are only seeing him in the big budget movies and not the indie movies. If you haven't seen him in the roles posted below, you may elevate your opinion of him, once you see them.

I will concede he has not replicated his Tyrion Lannister performance in anything else. But, I don't expect Anthony Hopkins to deliver a Hannibal Lecter like performance in every movie either. Further, there have been more than a few movies where he was just good, but more than a few where he still delivered strong performance or better, IMHO. 

I also can't call any movie role he has him been in, as being certifiable Oscar-worthy, like his GoT role was a slam dunk as being Emmy-worthy. That said, I would call four of his movie performances, as being worthy of a lower-tier movie award or nomination, and nine other performances as being worthy of critical acclaim with a few more bordering on holding that distinction, IMHO. Bottom line: I agree nothing he has done lives up to his Tyrion performance, but still think he is a better actor still than you seem to be believe. I think our differences in opinion are driven by seeing different movies he has been in and the fact I have seen him in more leading roles, where he is better able to showcase his acting chops.

Best Peter Dinklage Movies, IMHO




6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

3 months ago

Out of the six I've seen: I Care a Lot

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@Pencho15​ I have seen 35 of his 55 movies, I am still deciding.

I was really impressed with both the leads in 'I Care a Lot' and the movie itself. It is near the top for me too.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

3 months ago

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/BZq3Q4l8wlQ/

Congratulations Urb.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@Pencho15​ Thanks.