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14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

Sunday, May 14th, 2023 11:38 AM

Live Poll: Classic Asian Leaders

Which of these Oscar nominated performances as Asian leader characters is your favorite?



9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

1 year ago

@Peter_pbn, for your consideration.

I think three of these are adds: the Siam Princess Consort, the Shangri-la Lama, and the British India Raja. The others are subject to what qualifies as a leader and how transcontinental Russia fits in a Asia poll. All of these characters were Oscar-nominated.



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

I think I will omit them due to low vote counts or being secondary to the actual leaders. I guess Russians could be included, though I'm not sure I want to add them here.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@Peter_pbn​ It is certainly your perogative. But, it is only natural that the movies have lower vote counts since they are Oscar nominees from the 1930s and 1940s. They are clearly Oscar nominees and clearly asian leaders (Even though, they are examples of the commonplace yellowface portrayals that occurred during this period in film). Plus, 99.9999% of leaders have someone above them, so just about ever leader is secondary to someone. Maybe, you should specify that answer pool only applies to recent Oscar nominated performances, so people know the poll excludes the first twenty-eight years of the Academy Awards, or a minimum vote requirement or some other note to account for the incomplete answer pool. It seems weird that a poll entitled, "Classic Asian Movie Leaders" would exclude classic movies, just because they are old.


5.1K Messages


137.9K Points

1 year ago


9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

1 year ago

@@Peter_pbn, an alternative phrasing. 

Which of these Oscar-nominated performances as an Asian leader character is your favorite?



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

1 year ago