Breumaster's profile

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

Saturday, March 28th, 2020 12:41 AM

Live Poll: Dating Service


We helped some movie characters dating on a social platform and now they're stuck together. Not all of the contacts are romantic. Some of the pairs are lovely, other practical, freaky or strange. We searched for interesting character pairings which might be in an other or the same genre, but in a completely other franchise. Which of these partnerships is your favorite? Check here.


It's a very special idea. It's about people finding each other by social media. And this time it's movie characters. The clue is to put some characters from different movies (also franchises) together and make a fitting reason-line ( Traits:) why they would match good together.

- The characters can be in the same genre, but not in the same franchise.
- They don't have necessarily in the same genre.
- They should have something in common that makes them fit together like the same profession (e.g. both are teachers) or both have equal qualities, or one of them has that one thing/quality the other needs or takes benefits from. Therefore are the traits:
- Each pair needs a traits:-line, that describes why they are a good match. The traits line also can make fun of them.
- Just fictonal characters. Please no real-life-characters like Erin Brockovich, Billie Jean King, Freddy Mercury or Niki Lauda, etc. ...
- No fictional characters that already have perfect partners in the movies like Rocky and Arian. That wouldn't work.
- No documentation, no tv-series, no Animees or animated movies.



4.5K Messages


71K Points

4 years ago

Conan ... and ... Lara Croft Traits: "Lara gives the big guy backup with bow & arrow from far away"

Who in the world uses bow and arrow in Tom Raider, at the end of the video game, I was using Shotgun and Submachine gun

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

In the last movie she did. It's about film characters, not video games. ;)

4.5K Messages


71K Points

4 years ago

I think that another reasonable rule would be that Social Network are only for characters that are +18 years old and that would also fits for the age of the actor who portrays the character.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

I see you're hinting on Katniss Everdeen. Jeniffer Lawrence was about 22 when she played the 16 y.o. Thank you for mentioning. I've put in an image from the last movie on the list, when the character was a few years older. The character must be 20 or something like that, because of some seasons later in the franchise. But don't nail me, I didn't read the books. ;) Jeniffer Lawrence was about 25 in the last movie of the franchise. That should fit.

4.5K Messages


71K Points

I have only read the first book, so I knew she was 16. On the other books apparently her age is not mentioned but since the second movie takes place 1 year after the first one, It is safe to assume that she was 17 during Catching Fire. 

During the last movies which are in fact only one movie separate in 2 parts. according to fansites, she would have been at minimum 17 at maximum 18, but I don't see any sites that have a clear proof that she was 18.

I will let you decide, but I would say that there is a 50% that she was 17 during the events of Mockingjay Part 2.

However, In Mockingjay Part Two there is an epilogue, the epilogue takes place several years after the rebellion.

I have submitted a picture from the epilogue, the picture is not as epic as the one that you currently have, but you would be sure to avoid controversy:

There is the picture that I submitted:

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

So what do you suggest about that?
I took the image, because she had a bow and she doesn't look like a teenager in the second image. (she either didn't in the first image). She looks like a young adult. Isn't that enough? That's much ado about a fictional character which looks more that 18 to most people who watch the movie. Isn't that a bit overcorrect? I as a none-of-the-books-reader didn't understand her character beneath 20, specially because it wasn't clear enough portrayed that she is younger.

After several movies and some seasons of the hunger games, I thought she was at least 20, specially because in the last movie the actress was 25. She is no Michael J. Fox. She doesn't look younger. And why should I put your image on the list instead of the chosen, when you critizise her age and - using your own words - you have found no evidence, she is older than 17? That includes your image, too! :(

So the question has to be: Is she 18+ in any of the movies? - Before suggesting any other image! I just learned that you don't know either. I for myself thought she was older, because there was no evidence in the movie she wasn't - For a "none-of-these-books-reader"! That wasn't explained clear enough.

If any fan of the books could bring light into that, it would be helpful. Untill then, the image stays on the list.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

I just decided to skip the option. The main reason I decided to put her on the list is, because I'm always reminded to not only put males on the list. I discussed with my wife and she made the suggestion about Katniss and Robin of Locksley. But since there is unclear of what age Katniss was at the later movies, I agree to not put her  on this list. I didn't get the fact the way the story was presented to the people who didn't read the book, just saw an older actress. So I agreed. Ok, errased! :-/

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

My wife is not amused. :(

4.5K Messages


71K Points

4 years ago


Hal 9000 and Samantha

Together, they would do AI stuff, like prank humans, cause trouble to humans (You can change the explanation, I'm out of creativity for the day.)

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

They're on the list.

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

4 years ago

I'm pretty sure that Argus Filch and Frau Blücher would make a perfect couple!



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

4 years ago

Nice text, but maybe you'd like to edit these:

#2: After his ex-wife Carol left him
#3: to share their experiences (better without "about" at the end)
#7: Miss Marple
#8: The partnership of power with motivation and the detective's keen perception shakes up Gotham and prepares it for a new start ("knocks up" usually means something else)
#10: battling
#12: the most effective methods 
#15: spreading
#16: losing

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

Thank you Peter. It looks better now. Corrected the points. :D

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

I just saw that I lost the "the" before ... detective's ...
I've put it to the option. :D

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

4 years ago

If there are no further suggestion, I consider this to be ready for going online.



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

4 years ago

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

Thank you Peter, thank you guys.

When my first poll went online, I didn't expect I would get so deep into it. I know it all was mysterious, fresh, new! A modern adventure. And my English language skills were awkward. I learned a lot at this platform. Thank you for correcting me, when I wrote rubbish or didn't have the correct formulation. I'm sure that will happen again. :D But I think it got better in some ways.

And now my 60th poll has gone online. I'm a little proud. Thank you, guys. :D

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

Thank you, Bo. :D



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

4 years ago

Congratulations Breumaster on your 60th live poll! As of 11-May-2020 4:48 AM Pacific your polls have 33,506 or more votes, for an average of 558 votes per poll.

Dating Service
8918th Live Poll:

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Total Number of Votes			18,926,587
Projected Date of 20 Million Votes	18-Feb-2021
Days Until 20 Million Votes		268
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