urbanemovies's profile

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164.6K Points

Tuesday, July 18th, 2017 2:34 PM

Live Poll: Did We Really Go to the Moon?

Each year on the anniversary of July 20, 1969, the day man supposedly first walked on the moon, we celebrate one of the greatest achievements of mankind. In honor of National Moon Day, the alleged event and movies that make us ask the question: Did we really go to the Moon???

Which of these select movies with a fictitious spin on either a faked or a real moon mission is your favorite one?

Poll List: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls068907896/
Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/gPjjHXYCrR4/



4.9K Messages


98.6K Points

8 years ago


10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

I suspected would change your mind with Interstellar (2014) being added to the mix. The scene is posted below.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

8 years ago

We did go to the moon. It was not fake.
"Space Cowboys" . Remember Tommy Lee Jones' character's body ends up on the moon?
"Interstellar" has one scene where the teacher says that the moon landing was faked.
Believe it or not, when you think about it, one scene in the James Bond movie "Diamonds Are Forever" has Bond being chased through a set where a fake moon landing was being filmed.

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

Thanks, three excellent suggestions. I had Space Cowboys (2000) on the list already, but added Diamonds Are Forever (1971) and Interstellar (2014). I completely forgot about Insrstellar; I posted the scenes from the movies below. I also found a few more movies with single scenes about "fake" moon landings. It is interesting how there seems to be a whole sub-genre dedicated to the topic. I revised the question for scope and clarity .

Which movie with a fictitious spin* on a faked or real space and moon mission is your favorite? * includes whole movies or a single scene

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

Damn, I hope what I read about someone's body being on the moon doesn't mean he was dead ..


1.4K Messages


51K Points

8 years ago

wow...room 237 or capricorn one...this is too close to call...

one is a true documentary of how kubrick allowed his collusion of conscience to be appeased thru 'the shining'...

and the other a film that was the first one with the cojones to say it cinematically...

i am a documentary advocate and room 237 is one of my all time favorites, but...capricorn one was just so brilliant and has very fond memories in my radical indignatious heart (saw it in the theater many many times...before VHS and HBO)...

urbane...flip a coin...nice job...

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

Thanks, I have yet to see Room 237, but it sounds interesting. Another movie that takes the Stanley Kubrick involvement premise in a comedic direction is Moonwalkers (2015) with Rupert Grint and Ron Perlman. I enjoyed it.

1.4K Messages


51K Points

 gotta check that one out...cool...thanx...

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

8 years ago

We did go to the moon. My choice would be Watchmen



14.5K Messages


331.6K Points

8 years ago

I once saw the 'Opération lune' doc on TV not knowing what it was. Interesting experience.

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

I haven't seen it. I have it on the list, it has been re-titled: Dark Side of the Moon (2002 TV Movie). It sounds like  it is intentionally intended to fool people as a moon landing documentary getting the "Blair Witch Project" treatment and being passed off as real. It is pretty highly rated on IMDb with a 7.7 rating. I like the inter-mixing of real, actual "witnesses" with fake, "fictitious" witnesses to make the lie more convincing. The director "William Karel indicated that he was inspired by Orson Welles' radio broadcast The War of the Worlds and Capricorn One,"  He is especially proud of all e-mails congratulating him for "exposing the moon landing hoax" generated by his mockumentary.



14.5K Messages


331.6K Points

Yes, I saw it in the list. As far as I remember, the end of the film showed that it was a hoax, but maybe not everyone watched that far...



14.5K Messages


331.6K Points

8 years ago

You should perhaps limit yourself to one question mark in the title. And I guess 'to' does not need to be capitalised.

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

Thanks for catching that. Fixed.



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

Fixed just in time. Poll is live with your fix.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

8 years ago

This is a side track away from the topic of this page and please remember that when viewing these youtube videos:

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

Thanks, I saw one when I viewed the Interstellar clip. I appreciate the other clip.



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

8 years ago

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

Everything Else Moon Landing Option


3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

8 years ago

Voted interstellar. Congratulations on the live poll.



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

8 years ago

Congratulations urbanemovies on your 137th live poll!
As of 19-Jul-2017 9:39 PM Pacific your polls have 211,270 or more votes, for an average of 1,542 votes per poll.

5511th Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/gPjjHXYCrR4/
Seen: http://www.imdb.com/seen/ls068907896/

This is the 2,397th Title poll. Such polls have a total of 5,503,320 votes for an average of 2,296 votes per poll.

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10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

3 years ago

Moon Landing Documentaries

Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? (2001 TV Movie)

American Moon (2017)


10.1K Messages


164.6K Points