khadafimahfud8's profile

767 Messages


11.9K Points

Friday, December 1st, 2023 9:16 AM

Live Poll: Favorite Buddy-Cop Duos

Which is your favorite Buddy-Cop duo?


Live Poll

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

10 months ago

Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker from Rush Hour

767 Messages


11.9K Points

@BonaFideBOSS​ Wait, gallery sources seem to have suggestions you give, I will consider it, this list is not yet to my liking and has not been edited.

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points


The duo I mentioned is already on your current list.

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714 Messages


8K Points

10 months ago

Jones and Smith in MIB are technically not cops, but I'm not complaining, since that would be my choice.

FYC: Replace Ms. Congeniality 2 with the much more well liked and successful first film ; Sandra Bullock & Benjamin Bratt. (also as Feds, technically not cops, but again, I'm not complaining.)



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

10 months ago

@khadafimahfud8 ,

I noticed that you made a post about poll on Sprinklr that is not accessible. Are you having problems with that post being marked private or did you delete the posts?

One Piece Live Action Series Characters (most similar) - IMDb

767 Messages


11.9K Points

@dan_dassow​ Yes you are right, the posts I deleted are marked private, I tried many times to use the correct sentences, but the posts are still marked private. Why is that, is there any advice that can fix it?



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

@khadafimahfud8​ ,

There is something about your post that Sprinkr's spam filter doesn't like and is marking your polls private. I do not know what it is. IMDb and Sprinklr staff do not disclose specifics about the spam filter because that would allow spammers to defeat the filter.

I will ask IMDb and Sprinklr staff to investigate.


767 Messages


11.9K Points

@dan_dassow​ Thank you, while waiting for information from the staff. Is the decision I made to delete posts marked private correct?




19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

@khadafimahfud8​ ,

@dan_dassow​ Thank you, while waiting for information from the staff. Is the decision I made to delete posts marked private correct?

No. Now that the posts are deleted, IMDb and Sprinklr staff cannot investigate why the posts were marked private.

714 Messages


8K Points

Links in signature?

"Khadafi" username?

469 Messages


6.2K Points

10 months ago

I loved these two people in the movie (End of Watch) and unfortunately it had a bitter ending



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

4 months ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Khadafi



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

3 months ago


Congratulations, khadafimusaad!

khadafimusaad's Profile • IMDbPollStats

This is the 7th time your poll has been featured on IMDb's Home Page.

( since July 28, 2015.


Favorite Buddy-Cop Duos

This poll originally went live 14-May-2024.

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(LElMaruecan82 - 27

(LCyrilMartin - 24

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(Lpbn - 15

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(Lleavey-2 - 11

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(LEagles90 - 11

(LMarwan-Bob - 10

(LThe-Social-Introvert - 9

(Ldan_dassow - 9

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