Aris_Athanas's profile

9.9K Messages


177K Points

Saturday, December 11th, 2021 9:17 PM

Live Poll: Favorite Fantasy Trio

Which of these trios from fantasy movies is your favorite?

9.9K Messages


177K Points

2 years ago


9.9K Messages


177K Points

10 months ago




14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

10 months ago

Since you included some TV series, maybe you could put "movies and series" in the text.


Peter, Ray and Egon

Sarah, Mary and Winifred

9.9K Messages


177K Points

@Peter_pbn​ done

9.9K Messages


177K Points

@jaf_ismael​ added

9.9K Messages


177K Points

@jaf_ismael​ added

9.9K Messages


177K Points

@jaf_ismael​ added

9.9K Messages


177K Points

@Pencho15​ added

1.2K Messages


15.2K Points

6 months ago

9.9K Messages


177K Points

@jaf_ismael​ added



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

5 months ago

@Aris_Athanas have you seen the suggestions?



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

5 months ago



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

3 months ago


Congratulations, Paok-Kilkis!

Paok-Kilkis's Profile • IMDbPollStats

This is the 42nd time your poll has been featured on IMDb's Home Page.

( since July 28, 2015.


Favorite Fantasy Trio

This poll originally went live 23-April-2024.

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IMDb Polls: IMDb Poll Tracking, Statistics & Leaderboard (Poll Tracking / Leader Board)

Paok-Kilkis's Profile • IMDbPollStats Featured

Poll Author - Number of Times Polls Featured at IMDb Home Page (Since July 28, 2015) 

(Leaderboard) IMDb Profile - Count Polls / Count Times on Home Page

(LDibyayan_Chakravorty - 103/105

(LBonaFideBOSS - 42 / 43

(LPaok-Kilkis - 42

(Lurbanemovies - 38

(Lpere-25366 - 35

(LElMaruecan82 - 27

(LCyrilMartin - 24

(LIMDb-Editors - 18

(Lbrijeshmarand - 16

(LHoekkie - 16

(LRafael_M - 15

(Lpbn - 15

(LKhaledKalache - 13

(LSimba63 - 13

(LKirk-Picard - 11

(Lleavey-2 - 11

(Lyrnej - 11

(LEagles90 - 11

(LMarwan-Bob - 10

(LThe-Social-Introvert - 9

(Ldan_dassow - 9

(LNDbportmanfan - 9

(Lmariojacobs - 9

(Lpenchofifteenpolls - 9

(Lrubyfruit76 - 8

(Lpeaspot - 7

(Lmpaxtonpolls - 7

(Lmasandaglinus123 - 6

(Lsimeon-83777 - 6

(Lthenolanfan / Maxence_G - 6

(Lkhadafimusaad - 6 / 7

(LTeriek-Williams - 5

(LTsarStepan - 5

(Ledindenco-154-269285 / Ed_Jones_XLIX - 5

(Lfancinderella / (Ljgga-10977 - 5

(LPhoenix_R_3 - 5

(Lborimor - 5

(LGabrielfox - 5

(LManya086 - 4

(LMega_wizard - 4

(LDoctorBuster - 4

(Liakhtar-33380 - 4

(LSilitonga - 4

(Ldgranger - 4

(Ljalapenoman - 3

(LNoPantsBatman - 3

(Lchandrabhanusolanki - 3

(LSkyDeshpande - 3

(LTheMovieSmith - 3

(Ljoesiegel - 3

(Ljamesh5 - 2

(LKyBelle86 - 2

(LRbDeraj - 2

(Lmoatazaboalghuit - 2

(Llnvicta - 2

(LDebjit_Hazra - 2

(Lguillenpascal - 2

(LChihir0 - 2

(Lvibhorpanda29 - 2

(Lcocoken - 2

(Lalex_1-801-348552 - 1/2
