urbanemovies's profile

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

Monday, June 10th, 2024 12:56 PM

LIVE POLL: Favorite Movie That Celebrates Surfing

According to Wikipedia, the surf film genre falls into three distinct subcategories: 1) the surfing documentary — targeting the surfing enthusiast, 2) the campy beach-orientated features — targeting a broader audience, better known as the "beach party films" or called "surfploitation flicks" by true surfers, and 3) the fictional narrative feature films with a focus on the reality of surfing.  

Which of these selected movies that celebrate surfing and the surf culture throughout the film is your favorite surf flick

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/PiaAzYVOpgY/  

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls547696984/copy/ 

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

3 months ago

International Surfing Day is held annually on the third Saturday of June Rach year, which falls on June 15th in 2024.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

3 months ago

Honorable Mention / Possible Inclusion Surfing Movies

(Narrative Surf Film - Beach Party Movies - Surfing Docs)




19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

3 months ago

Congratulations, @urbanemovies!

urbanemovies's Profile • IMDbPollStats

Favorite Movie That Celebrates Surfing

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/PiaAzYVOpgY/

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@dan_dassow​ Thanks, Hand Ten.

4K Messages


85.9K Points

3 months ago

Ride Your Wave (2019): Got my enthusiastic vote.

Though Dogtown and Z-Boys is one of my all time favorite documentaries. 



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

2 months ago


Congratulations, urbanemovies!

urbanemovies's Profile • IMDbPollStats

This is the 40th time your poll has been featured on IMDb's Home Page.

(http://www.imdb.com) since July 28, 2015.


Favorite Movie That Celebrates Surfing

This poll originally went live 26-June-2024.

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Poll Author - Number of Times Polls Featured at IMDb Home Page (Since July 28, 2015) 

(Leaderboard) IMDb Profile - Count Polls / Count Times on Home Page

(LDibyayan_Chakravorty - 103/105

(LBonaFideBOSS - 42 / 43

(LPaok-Kilkis - 42

(Lurbanemovies - 40

(Lpere-25366 - 35

(LElMaruecan82 - 27

(LCyrilMartin - 24

(LIMDb-Editors - 18

(Lbrijeshmarand - 17

(LHoekkie - 16

(LRafael_M - 15

(Lpbn - 15

(LKhaledKalache - 13

(LSimba63 - 13

(LKirk-Picard - 11

(Lleavey-2 - 11

(Lyrnej - 11

(LEagles90 - 11

(LMarwan-Bob - 10

(LThe-Social-Introvert - 9

(Ldan_dassow - 9

(LNDbportmanfan - 9

(Lmariojacobs - 9

(Lpenchofifteenpolls - 9

(Lrubyfruit76 - 9

(Lpeaspot - 7

(Lmpaxtonpolls - 7

(Lmasandaglinus123 - 6

(Lsimeon-83777 - 6

(Lthenolanfan / Maxence_G - 6

(Lkhadafimusaad - 6 / 7

(LTeriek-Williams - 5

(LTsarStepan - 5

(Ledindenco-154-269285 / Ed_Jones_XLIX - 5

(Lfancinderella / (Ljgga-10977 - 5

(LPhoenix_R_3 - 5

(Lborimor - 5

(LGabrielfox - 5

(LManya086 - 4

(LMega_wizard - 4

(LDoctorBuster - 4

(Liakhtar-33380 - 4

(LSilitonga - 4

(Ldgranger - 4

(Ljalapenoman - 3

(LNoPantsBatman - 3

(Lchandrabhanusolanki - 3

(LSkyDeshpande - 3

(LTheMovieSmith - 3

(Ljoesiegel - 3

(Ljamesh5 - 2

(LKyBelle86 - 2

(LRbDeraj - 2

(Lmoatazaboalghuit - 2

(Llnvicta - 2

(LDebjit_Hazra - 2

(Lguillenpascal - 2

(LChihir0 - 2

(Lvibhorpanda29 - 2

(Lcocoken - 2

(Lalex_1-801-348552 - 1/2

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@dan_dassow​ Thanks, that is quite a surprise. I like the cover photo for they used for the featured poll.