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9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017 9:12 AM

LIVE POLL: "Game of Thrones" — Did Westeros Pick the Wrong Ruler?

One aspect central to the appeal of the original "Game of Thrones" series and its successor series, "House of the Dragon" is which of the competing characters will rise to the top and assume the Iron Throne. So much so, every GoT or HotD fan has formed a decided opinion on the optimal combination of qualities, including a strong claim, that make the best ruler. Likewise, fans have strong opinions of how each aspiring ruler candidate measures up to those standards. In the original "Game of Thrones" series, Tywin Lannister, a Hand to three Kings offers some insights into what makes a good ruler to Tommen. Tywin cites wisdom, temperament, strength, dedication, intellect, justness, holiness and piousness among the traits that make rulers great. He highlights a willingness to heed counsel as being the most important trait. Further, he stressed the importance of birthright and the duty of each family member to advance the position of their House.

In retrospect, which of these current, former or potential ruling characters* would have been your alternative choice to rule from the Iron Throne at the conclusion of the Game of Thrones (2011) series? *limited to Kings, Queens, Regents, next in the line of succession, claimants, great house heads, or other viable aspirants

SPOILER ALERT: Intended for viewers current through the 2019 season, as poll reveals depicted or discussed original Game of Thrones (2011) series ruler or aspirants through end of calendar 2019. 

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls047514777/copy/

Live Poll: TBD

I have not listed those who rule smaller domains, as they would be comparable to a lord or lady who rules a lesser vassal house of the Seven Kingdoms.

Poll excluded Hill Tribes Chiefs, Free Folk Clan Leaders and Dothraki Khals
Shagga, Stone Crows Tribal Chieftain
Timett, Burned Men Tribal Chieftain
Chella, Black Ears Tribal Chieftainess
Rattleshirt, Hornfoot Tribal Chieftain
Styr, Thenn Tribal Chieftain
Mag the Mighty, Giants Tribal Chieftain aka King of the Giants
Loboda, Thenn Tribal Chieftain
Karsi, Frozen Shore Free Folk Tribal Chieftainess (Elder)
Dim Dalba, Free Folk Tribal Chieftain (Elder) ?
Tormund Giantsbane, Haunted Forest Free Folk Leader ?
Leaf, Children of the Forest Leader ?
Khal Moro, Dothraki khalasar Chief
Khal Rhalko, Dothraki khalasar Chief
Khal Forzho, Dothraki khalasar Chief
Khal Brozho, Dothraki khalasar Chief
Khal Qorro, Dothraki khalasar Chief

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

6 years ago

This poll suggestion has been converted from a character to a image driven poll: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls047514777/

updated Who Is Best Suited to Rule "Game of Thrones"?

Which current, former or potential "Game of Thrones" ruling character* is best suited to the role and would earn your support for their claim?* limited to Kings, Queens, claimants, house heads, next in the line of succession, large tribal chieftains, regents or other viable aspirants

Tywin Lannister, the Hand to three Kings offers some insights into what makes a good ruler in Game of Thrones. He cites wisdom, temperament, strength, dedication, intellect, justness, holiness and piousness among the traits that make rulers great. He highlights a willingness to heed counsel as being the most important trait. Also, Tywin stresses the importance of birthright and the duty of each family member to advance the position of their House. Which aspiring ruler has the optimal combination of qualities to be the best ruler in the known worlds of Westeros or Essos?

SPOILER ALERT: Intended for viewers current through the 2017 season, as poll reveals depicted or discussed Game of Thrones (2011) Westeros ruler or aspirants through end of calendar 2018.

See the partial list of current, former and potential "Game of Thrones" rulers here: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls047514777/

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

5 years ago

This poll would complement an existing poll, as it asks the same question from another perspective:Who should win vs. Who will win. As with the Oscars, when the questions are asked, people often don't arrive at the same answer.

Who should win
PS: Who Is Best Suited to Rule "Game of Thrones"?
Who will win
Poll: Who Will Be the Ultimate Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms?

GOT SEASON EIGHT 4/6 episode bump for Sunday, May 05, 2019.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

5 years ago

A recurring plot line in season eight that has been mentioned in every episode and has progressively become a larger theme is ruler fitness and suitability. Obviously, this best ruler theme will reach a crescendo in the final episode next Sunday. This poll suggestion goes beyond those in contention for throne within the timeline of season eight (limited scope) and explores any current, former or potential candidate that was ever in-line for the throne and not just the current time period (wider scope). The publishing of this poll in next week, couldn't be more opportune, when viewers are thinking about: Which ruler is best suited for Westeros, as the next Iron Throne ruler?

This poll is unique and does not conflict with those that ask realistically Who will claim the Iron Throne Poll: Who Will Be the Ultimate Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms?

It ask a more interesting theoretically question of all the viable candidates over the entire series run (including flashbacks), who would have been the best ruler? PS: Who Is Best Suited to Rule "Game of Thrones"?

GOT SEASON EIGHT 5/6 bump for Sunday, May 12, 2019.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

5 years ago

This poll suggestion has been converted from a character to a image driven poll: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls047514777/

The poll header update posted above still needs to be completed to have an image hyperlink, instead of linking to the old character list which is non-existent.



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

I replaced the link.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

You are right it shouldn't require any extra explanation. Simply, the ability to read with understanding. I did tweak the question a bit to be clearer. I don't know of a better term to use to describe non-Anglo countries. I am open to better term to use to describe the sphere of countries without current or former British ties.

The question clearly states it is about Oscar-nominated Best Picture movies from non-Anglo countries that usually garner 98.4% of all the nominations. It even spells out which countries those are and how they are determined. It doesn't require further explanation or additional posts.

Which of these movies, whose production companies are based in non-Anglo* countries is your favorite Oscar Best Picture nominee? * non-English speaking country not descended from the British Isles

Anglo Countries: Europe (British Isles: U.K., Ireland, Scotland, etc.), Americas (U.S.A., Canada, Bahamas, Barbados. Belize, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, etc), Australasia (Australia, New Zealand) and Africa (South Africa, etc) from the 195 total World Countries

It clearly is not about race when it equally excludes or includes all people from a given country, regardless of race. Plus, Anglosphere countries run a gamut from 00.7% white Trinidad & Tobago to 93.6% white Ireland and compositions of everything in between. Additional, I don't how you can think it is race-based when 9 out of the 11 countries with the largest white populations are included:  Russia,  Brazil,  Germany,  France,  Italy,  Spain,   Mexico,  Ukraine, and  Argentina. Likewise, the entire very white European continent is included except for the United Kingdom and Ireland.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

2 years ago

August 21, 2022 is the debut of the Game Of Thrones franchise prequel series, "House of Dragon".

I think this poll focused on a retrospective look of the polls from the original series, Game of Thrones (2011) would be a good way to mark the debut of the new series, House of the Dragon (2022).


4K Messages


85.9K Points

2 years ago

The only answer...

Tyrion Lannister.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@Tsarstepan​ I am not sure the only answer, but he certainly is up for the job and on a short-list. I kinda wonder if he is better suited for the man behind the power role, he gets and had throughout the series.



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

3 months ago


One aspect central to the appeal of the original "Game of Thrones" series and its successor series, 

In retrospect, which of these current, former or potential ruling characters* would have been your alternative choice to rule the Game of Thrones (2011)?

I think you mean rule the Seven Kingdoms?


9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@Jessica​ I made adjustments for the two issues. It is now the Six Kingdoms, and no longer the Seven Kingdoms that the Iron Throne rules over, since the North became its own Dominion at the GoT series end.

Part of the appeal of the original "Game of Thrones" series and its successor series, "House of the Dragon" is which competing character will rise to the top and assume the Iron Throne. So much so, every GoT or HotD fan has formed a decided opinion on the optimal combination of qualities, including a strong claim, that make the best ruler. Likewise, fans have strong opinions of how aspiring ruler candidates measure up to those standards. In the original "Game of Thrones" series, Tywin Lannister, a Hand to three Kings offers some insights into what makes a good ruler to Tommen. Tywin cites wisdom, temperament, strength, dedication, intellect, justness, holiness and piousness among the traits that make rulers great. He highlights a willingness to heed counsel as being the most important trait. Further, he stressed the importance of birthright and the duty of each family member to advance the position of their House.

In retrospect, which of these current, former or potential ruling characters* would be your alternative choice to rule from the Iron Throne at the series end of Game of Thrones (2011)?* limited to Kings, Queens, Regents, next in the line of succession, claimants, great house heads, or other viable aspirants

SPOILER ALERT: Intended for viewers current through the 2019 season, as poll reveals depicted or discussed original Game of Thrones (2011) series ruler or aspirants through end of calendar 2019.




19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

3 months ago

Congratulations, @urbanemovies!

urbanemovies's Profile • IMDbPollStats

"Game of Thrones" — Did Westeros Pick the Wrong Ruler?

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/88aDTISJZOA/

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@dan_dassow​ Thanks.