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7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

Monday, May 27th, 2024 6:39 AM

Live Poll: "It's OK to Not Be OK"



The following will be shortened:


Tom Brady, the former NFL quarterback, can currently be seen in commercials advocating for mental health therapy and briefly discussing the benefits he has reaped from his own. He's not the first. In December, 2020, the Indianapolis Colts, an American football franchise,  released a TV advertisement to kick off their "Kick the Stigma" campaign. The non-profit initiative aims to end the stigma that too often surrounds mental and emotional health concerns. One of the hopes is that if people see strong, successful, and "tough" NFL players discussing their experiences with, for example, depression or anxiety, others will see that feeling "not OK" makes someone human, not weak. The following actors and musicians have also been open  about their own experiences with mood disorders, mental health problems, and/or substance abuse. Of these well known entertainers, who most inspires (or convinces) you that "it's OK to not be OK?" 



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

4 months ago

Help Requested: I really don't like the recent formatting changes IMDb has made with a few things and I've found it difficult to make lists or made changes to old ones. 

Hi Sara. I agree. I'm glad the new design didn't deter you from suggesting polls.

Please see:

IMDb Redesigns List-Like Pages

 Does anyone know how to make it skip lines? Thank you in advance -- so much!


Because apparently we can no longer use ENTER to make line breaks.



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Jessica Thanks, so much, Jess! I forgot to mention that I only had that problem when making changes to already existing lists. I found the answer in the FAQs. 

Have you heard or gotten wind of a lot of complaints about the changes generally? For example, I find the changes to the way photographs are formatted to be troublesome. It seems like things have become less user friendly, less intuitive. 



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


Yeah, as you saw in the thread, there are many complaints.

My biggest issues are with the Enter key, and the fact that the lists are always in edit mode. You can't leave the list and come back to where you were, the edits are automatically saved even if you aren't finished.

Others have already pointed this out, but nothing has been done.

The only good thing is that they brought back the "drag-and-drop" for moving the options.

70 Messages


980 Points

LOTS of users are unhappy with the changes but they apparently don't care.
It is mostly the PC users who are unhappy (the ones who the site was originally
created for, and who create most of the lists) because the IMDb folks don't seem
to acknowledge their existence anymore.
They keep implementing mobile device conventions (designed to compensate for
their inherent weaknesses) in their Windows application, because mobile devices
seem to be the only thing they are familiar with now.
But the users have pretty much given up, since no one is listening to them anyway.

"What is called resignation is confirmed desperation."




7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Jessica​ 'Very good points (no surprise there), with which I completely agree.  I also like that they brought back the drag and drop but, like you said, it does seem to be the only good thing about the changes.  




7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@MSebring​ I use a Mac but I only go onto IMDb with my Macbook. I don't use my phone to go online for almost anything. 

I can't imagine using IMDb with my phone but for people who do, I'm not sure how the new format for photos would be any better at all. It seems like it would be worse. 

And yes, I agree, IMDb doesn't seem to care much about the users who built it into what it is -- so far, anyway, and I think IMDb has lost a good bit of quality because of it. It's disappointing. 



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

4 months ago



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@dan_dassow​ Thank you, Dan!