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10.1K Messages


164.7K Points

Wednesday, September 25th, 2024 12:22 AM

LIVE POLL: Neighbor Movies That Help You Better Appreciate Your Own Neighbors

National Neighbor Day is held annually in the United States on September 28th and is intended to promote good relationships between neighbors. The date highlights the importance of being a good neighbor, while contributing to one’s community and each other. Individuals who have strong and positive relationships and are more connected to their communities tend to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Sometimes, being a good neighbor is not sweating the small things that tend to bother you, while communicating positively those that could grow into more decisive ones, and taking into account both sides. Also, appreciating the neighbors you have, rather than neighbors you don't, can put things into a healthy perspective.

Which of these selected movies that features bad neighbors helps you most appreciate your own neighbors even more, or alternatively makes your own neighbors look better by comparison the most?

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/inypARdfIPI/   

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls542367497/copy/  


10.1K Messages


164.7K Points

4 months ago

Honorable Mention /Possible Inclusion Bad Neighbor Movies



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

4 months ago

@urbanemovies ,

Won't You Be My Neighbor

It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?


It’s a neighborly day in this beauty wood,
A neighborly day for a beauty,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?


I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I’ve always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.
So let’s make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we’re together we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won’t you be my neighbor?
Won’t you please,
Won’t you please?
Please won’t you be my neighbor?

10.1K Messages


164.7K Points

@dan_dassow​ Cute.

I think the Fred Rogers backstory is pretty interesting. I always find it interesting how people find their calling in life. Who would have thought an interest in puppets, a divinity background and the advent of television would have combined to create such an iconic show and figure.



10.1K Messages


198K Points

4 months ago