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192.9K Points

Sunday, July 21st, 2024 3:41 AM

Live Poll: Poison in the Well

The following films are all about large corporations poisoning the water that human beings cook with, bathe in, swim in, and drink. The most disturbing and frightening thing about these movies is that the stories didn't originate in the mind of a writer: five out of seven are true stories and the other two could easily pass as situations we've read about in newspapers. Which movie about poisoned water, and the fight to hold companies accountable, made you care about the issue the most?



'Know of any others? (The only criteria I'm using, besides it fitting the specific theme, is that if it's a documentary, because there are so many, it should have a minimum IMDb score of 7.0.) Thanks!



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

2 months ago

Good poll (and title) :)

Typos in #1 (Tony Shalhoub) and #3 (Aaron Eckhart).



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Jessica What would I do without your impeccable eye? Thank you, Jess!



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

2 months ago



An Enemy of the People

Crude (Documentary)

Given your introduction, this may not be what you're looking as they are disaster movies, but there's also:

The Bay

The Worthy

Le Périple



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Pencho15  Hi Pencho, my initial response to you is marked "Private" in purple at the top of my post so I don't know if you received it. I've never seen anything like that on Sprinkler before and don't see any way to remove it. 'Very strange. 

In case you can't see my initial post, I wrote: 

Thanks, so much, @Pencho15 ! I added the first three and also 'The Bay,' because I found several credible sources that said it's based on the true story of contamination from pesticides and steroids from a chicken factory farm.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

@rubyfruit76​ I received a notification that you wrote, but I could never read it as it didn't appear on my feed. Thanks for reposting.

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161.5K Points

2 months ago

Fyc, Minamata (2020)



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192.9K Points

@urbanemovies Hey, thank you, Urb, for the suggestion! This looks like a good one. I'll add it. 

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

2 months ago

Depending on your scope, these both have the required corporate greed and industrial pollution/contamination elements, but you may want to read the plot summaries as they are a bit different.



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@urbanemovies Oh, wow, I forgot about 'The East.' I remember seeing that back around the time it was released and there was a scene where some teenagers are swimming in a river and they have to rush to the other shore because the river catches on fire. I didn't get to read about The Toxic Avenger yet but I will soon. 

Thank you, so much for the suggestions! 



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

2 months ago

@rubyfruit76 ,

I noticed that you updated your list to include some of @Pencho15's suggestions. Have you considered @urbanemovies suggestions? Do you consider your poll suggestion ready?



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@dan_dassow I hadn't see Urb's suggestions so thanks for your post: getting emails of new posts is very convenient. I'll be able to add the remaining suggestions in just a few hours from now. I'll post and let you know when it's completely ready. Thanks again!



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@dan_dassow Hi Dan, unless anyone finds any mistakes, I think it's ready. I do consider it to be suggestion ready and I proofread the new additions a few times. 



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points


I'm not sure that Flint is about a company or corporation exactly?



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Yeah, you might be right. I'll do a bit of research and if I can't unwind it enough to know, I'll remove it. Unfortunately, Flint has so many problems that it's hard for me to remember the details of all of them and I didn't see that film.

Oh, @Pencho15 , did you see the film? If so, do you remember?  



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

@rubyfruit76​ I didn't, I just found it doing keyword research. The only thing I know about Flint is from the Michael Moore documentaries.

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161.5K Points

@Pencho15​ & @rubyfruit76​,

I would think 'Flint' qualifies on the water contamination aspect, but falls short on the corporate greed element, as the movie depicts and the real-life situation was the result of goverment incompetence/mismanagement.

From Variety:

But, the TV movie still fits the question asked. Maybe you should use the phrase, companies & governments or change it from companies to organizations, so the scope is more encompassing.

Which movie about poisoned water, and the fight to hold organizations accountable, made you care about the issue the most?




7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@urbanemovies​ Corporations were actually involved, after all. I don't want to add government bc that doesn't apply to all on the list. Only corporations tie them all together -- I mean besides the pollution and contamination. Thank you, though!

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

2 months ago

FYI, I thought this Public Service Advertisement about clean water for the United Nations' World Water Day was interesting and powerful.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

2 months ago

World Water Day PSA



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

2 months ago

@rubyfruit76 ,

You may wish to update your question from:

Which movie about poisoned water and the fight to hold companies accountable made you care the most?


Which movie about poisoned water and the fight to hold companies and government accountable made you care the most?

That way you can retain the film Flint.

From Wikipedia:

The Flint water crisis was a public health crisis that started in 2014 after the drinking water for the city of Flint, Michigan was contaminated with lead and possibly Legionella bacteria. In April 2014, during a financial crisis, state-appointed emergency manager Darnell Earley changed Flint's water source from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (sourced from Lake Huron and the Detroit River) to the Flint River. Residents complained about the taste, smell, and appearance of the water. Officials failed to apply corrosion inhibitors to the water, which resulted in lead from aging pipes leaching into the water supply, exposing around 100,000 residents to elevated lead levels. A pair of scientific studies confirmed that lead contamination was present in the water supply. ...



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@dan_dassow​  Hi Dan, The intro does apply to the Flint, as well. I did quite a bit of research, including using my access to academic databases, and corporations were definitely involved. For example, the engineering company, Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, settled the lawsuit against them for 25 million dollars. They were hired by the state to fix the corroded pipes and failed to do so safely. 

After I did some initial research, I was especially concerned about this statement from the intro: "The following films are all about large corporations poisoning the water that human beings cook with, bathe in, swim in, and drink."  However, after I looked further, even that statement is still accurate, even with the inclusion of 'Flint.' 

'Sorry that it took me longer than I intended to get back to this. Something important came up and I've been busy with that. I also have a bad habit of overdoing the reading: if something I read makes me even a bit curious, I continue until I have it figured out and doing that online makes it so easy to keep going down the rabbit hole. I should have been a detective, lol. 

Thanks! : )




19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

@rubyfruit76​ ,

Thank you for the explanation. I had forgotten about the involvement of the the engineering company, Lockwood, Andrews & Newman. I was aware that they failed to fix the corroded pipes failed to correct the leaching of lead into the water supply.





7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

2 months ago

@dan_dassow @Jessica @Peter_pbn @Pencho15   Unless you have more questions or anyone finds any typos, I think that this is ready to go. : )



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

2 months ago



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@dan_dassow​ Thank you, Dan! I love the emoji wells, by the way! Who would have thought they'd have water wells, lol. They're great.

And thanks for your help as I was working on the poll. : )



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

2 months ago

@Jessica @Pencho15 @urbanemovies @Peter_pbn @dan_dassow  Thank you, all, so much for your help with this poll. I really appreciate it.  <3