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Sunday, August 11th, 2024 10:00 AM

Live Poll: Remembering Robert Bolt

Remembering Robert Bolt, a distinguished English playwright and screenwriter, on his 100th birth anniversary, August 15, 2024, as we commemorate his enduring legacy in literature and film. Best known for A Man for All Seasons and Doctor Zhivago, Bolt won two Academy Awards for Best Adapted Screenplay, showcasing his exceptional talent in bringing complex characters and moral dilemmas to life.

Which of these movies or their screenplays written by Robert Bolt is the most memorable?





14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

1 month ago

A Man for All Seasons



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

1 month ago

Congratulations, @Brijesh!

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Remembering Robert Bolt

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35.1K Points

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