3.7K Messages
56.1K Points
Live Poll: Scariest Evil Trucker/Truck
Which one is the scariest evil truck?
For an uncropped view of the images see the slides here.
3.7K Messages
56.1K Points
Which one is the scariest evil truck?
For an uncropped view of the images see the slides here.
10.1K Messages
164.6K Points
2 years ago
I like the idea and the question, but think you should big and do a regular poll on menacing truckers and their trucks and do a face-off only on otherworldly or demonicly poccessed evil trucks seperately. I think in the current execution you are thinking trucks are inherently evil, which they are not. Trucks don't kill people, people kill people. But, in the rare instance they do, like Maximum Overdrive, you can find like trucks to match it with in a face-off. I think the other four answers don't fit the bill and would be better suited in a poll of their own. I think people would really like to see both polls.
14.5K Messages
331.6K Points
3 months ago
Live Poll