Hoekkie's profile

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

Sunday, February 19th, 2017 10:08 AM

Live Poll: Sing's Singing Competition

This is a poll I've made on the IMDb poll board on 27 december 2016.

**spoilers ahead**

The movie Sing started with a singing competition but ended without any winners or losers. I'm still curious who would have won. So let's make it a competition again! Who gets your vote?

My list: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls066944183/#1

Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/WcEjWAlPpiw/

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

7 years ago

Sing (2016) is still a popular movie.
#37 in the 'Most Popular Movies' list.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

You forgot "suggestion" in your title.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

This was an old post of mine. I forgot to add it.
Can you or someone else add that for me?

4.4K Messages


124K Points

6 years ago

This is a great poll!  I totally agree.  Suggestion: All the other characters that didn't make it to the end (the frogs, the pandas, etc).



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

4 years ago

How funny. I never saw the series but I like the poll. My vote: Stevie Wonder.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

4 years ago

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/WcEjWAlPpiw/

Congratulations Hoekkie.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

22 days ago

Since the singing contest in Sing was never completed, even though they did do a final show, who would you have voted for as the winner based, not on their personal character, but on how they sang their songs through out the movie? (Since Rosita and Gunter were pared as a duet, their songs are listed as a team. It is also the reason why this an image list and not a character list). Only the characters in the final show are concidered.
The list is at http://www.imdb.com/list/ls062243457/...
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Poll Sug: Who would you have voted for as the winner of the "Sing" singing contest?

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

I have done this one on IMDb.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Thanks but now I can't pull up that specific poll. This new system sucks.