Brijesh's profile

2.3K Messages


35.1K Points

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 6:24 PM

Live Poll: The Russell Crowe Method of Acting

As Russell Crowe celebrates his 60th birthday, on April 7, 2024, let's delve into his iconic portrayals! When asked about his approach to getting into character, Crowe once famously quipped, "I use the Russell Crowe method."

From the battle-ready Maximus to the troubled genius John Nash, Crowe's performances continue to resonate. Which of these 10 popular and acclaimed characters would you choose to explore the Russell Crowe method of acting?



61 Messages


544 Points

6 months ago

One of my all-time favorite actors! I still think he deserved the second Oscar for his phenomenal job in "A Beautiful Mind"



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

6 months ago

Please edit #5: 

a brilliant mathematician with nil interpersonal skills

2.3K Messages


35.1K Points

Updated, thanks! 



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

6 months ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Brijesh

2.3K Messages


35.1K Points

Thank you! 



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points


Congratulations, brijeshmarand!

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