Tsarstepan's profile

4.1K Messages


87K Points

Friday, August 31st, 2018 1:15 PM

LIVE POLL: Too Powerful for OUR Own Good?

Which of these supremely powerful anime characters* should we "fear" the most? (Question to be workshopped: help for rewording question and the text to each option would be very much appreciated)

[possible spoilers]

*Main character/not villain.

Though I suspect that Haruhi Suzumiya might be considered an antihero/villain due to her ... psychopathic (but not evil) tendencies.

4.1K Messages


87K Points

6 years ago

Looking for help with suggestions from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; if adding Light from Death Note would move into the villain territory.

Spike Spiegel is a great fighter but not all powerful... right?  What about Tetsuo from Akira?  Help please on his possible inclusion.



14.5K Messages


331.6K Points

6 years ago

It's a good question, but don't overcomplicate it with parentheses and stuff. If you need an alternative phrasing, maybe "supremely powerful anime characters"?

4.1K Messages


87K Points

@Peter_pbn​ I have taken your suggestion to heart and rewrote the question.



10.1K Messages


198K Points

4 months ago




10.1K Messages


198K Points

3 months ago

Tsar, do you want more time to write descriptions or is this ready to go?

4.1K Messages


87K Points

@Jessica​ I put quotes around the word "fear" to indicate it's a tongue in cheek question. Would that suffice or?



10.1K Messages


198K Points


Sorry, I was referring to that you have (Text TBD) in six options. 

4.1K Messages


87K Points

@Jessica​ I removed those bits of loose text from the six options. 



7K Messages


121.2K Points

@Tsarstepan​ Maybe all options should have the same format. Either all with text or all without.

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4.1K Messages


87K Points

@Pencho15 I get it.​ Since I won't be able to write about the characters I really don't know about? I chose to delete all of the related existing text descriptions. #sadsigh 

Sorry for the extra belated response. I was hoping for an epiphany that never came. And I flirted with asking the Google AI to with the missing text descriptions. Yeah. I'm not going to break that principled stance against AI services. 

Thanks for being patient.



7K Messages


121.2K Points

@Tsarstepan​ No worries.

I also refuse to use AI :)

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7K Messages


121.2K Points

3 months ago

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/y5_aym2lVHo/

Congratulations Tsarstepan