Maxence_G's profile

4.5K Messages


71K Points

Sunday, August 25th, 2024 3:09 AM

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Poll Maker Badge Suggestion

I made a post about this a while ago, but I thought it would be a great time to refresh the idea. I think the poll maker badge should be attributed from number of polls rather than from number of votes. 

As it stands, it is possible that no new poll author gets the badge. All the authors who are close to 100k votes are retired or semi-retired. @GabrielFox is the author who gained the most votes in 2024. But, he is still 47k votes from the badge. That is almost two years.

It is also worth noting that with the current popularity of polls, it is way harder to get the badge than originally intended. At GabrielFox's rate, it would take someone 510 polls to achieve 100 000 votes (only 6 authors have more polls than that).

Anyway, I know it is not a priority. But, I think it would be nice to update the poll maker badge to reflect the reality. Offering the badge to authors with more than 100 polls would be my suggestion.

9.8K Messages


161.4K Points

26 days ago

I couldn't agree more. I think 50 polls is a reasonable number that requires a bit a work to achieve and might be a comparable midpoint to what it took previous pollmakers on average to earn their badges.


4.5K Messages


71K Points


You are right. 50 polls is reasonable. I check on BonafideBoss's website, since 2020, only 9 new authors on 114 have made more than 50 polls, it is still a very noteworthy achievement.




6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

It would be a good change. Unfortunately I don't think polls will be featured in a place that allows for more users taking part at least until they are moved to the new model of pages they have been slowly implementing.

Since I have disliked every change to the new model I am both hopeful it arrives soon so that maybe polls get a derserved boost in popularity and also afraid the change will mean a worst experience for me as it has been everywhere the IMDb has been "updated".

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9.8K Messages


161.4K Points


I have it at twelve authors. It is odd since every other badge threshold on your IMDb activity page is based on achieving some set quantity (that recognize a set effort), other than the pollmaker badge and the top 300 yearly contributor badge (that recognize a scaled performance result). Currently, napierslogs' effort of 39 polls @ 185,000+ votes is judged more worthy than GarbrielFox's effort of 275 polls @ 53,000+ votes. IMHO, it is hard to just justify one over the other, simply based on the timing of polls publication had more to do with the pollmaker badge being earned.

These 12 poll authors would earn badges immediately, if 50 were the "new" threshold that recognizes a set effort.

These 12 poll authors would be within striking distance of earning badges with 25 or more polls published already, if 50 were the "new" threshold that recognizes a set effort.

These 6 poll authors would still retain their badges with 49 or less published polls to date, if the dual standard of 50+ published polls or 100,000+ votes were the "new" thresholds that recognizes either a set effort or a scaled performance.
