Breumaster's profile

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Sunday, April 28th, 2024 10:30 AM

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Poll Suggestion: Best Movies With A Lower Count of Ratings (Part1/Part2)


As of 04/28/2024 there are several movies with an average rating of 8+ on IMDb, which are rated by less than 100.000 users.

Which of these movies would you like to see the most or which of them do you have the best memory about?

Please tell us here.


The rules are in the intro and in the title. Movies, TV-movies. Got that idea as a contra-poll to this one:

Link (Part 1):

Link (Part 2):

Poll: TBD



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

5 months ago

Please correct:

As of 04/28/2024 there are several movies with an average rating of 8+ on IMDb, which are rated by less than 100.000 users.

Which of these movies would you like to see the most or which of them do you have the best memory about?

The Grapes of Wrath has now reached 100K votes.



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

And you are missing some titles, as seen in TheMovieSmith's list:

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points



8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you for mentioning the missing files. I will fix that, soon. Just watching a movie with Mrs. Breumaster and then will sleep.

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165.9K Points


Thank you for reporting.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

5 months ago

@Breumaster The Grapes of Wrath is 42 votes above your limit of 100,000

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, but rule is rule. How strong should I bend it? 42? 100? 1000? 50000?

I think 100.000 still is a very high number which allows to put in movies, that are already known to

wide range of people. I formerly even thought about making the limitation more strict.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Sorry, just realized that the movie is on the list. I could doom Co vid for the memory loss. Sorry for that. I skipped The Grapes of Wraith from the list. Just remembered that I've put it on the list, hoping it wouldn't exceed the 100.000 votes. My short time memory is really bad after Cor ona.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you for reporting.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

5 months ago


These are the most voted titles that match your criteria and you haven't added:

Swades, We The People

K.G.F: Chapter 1

The General

The Night of the Hunter

Chung Hing sam lam


8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, Pencho. I'll take them into consideration tomorrow. :D

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@Pencho15​ I would agree those are all worthy of consideration. I feel strongly about these two, Festen and Night of the Hunter from Pencho's list.

I also will point out 'The Legend of 1900' as deserving to be listed. I was blown away by how good this movie is and that it took me twenty years to even here about it. I was shocked it didn't get an initial warm welcome in the USA, but everyone who sees it loves it, and it has a following.


9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@urbanemovies​ Also, a side comment. While, it wouldn't qualify, it is a crime that the Searchers (1956) has only an IMDb rating of 7.8. and 96,000 votes. I gave it a 10 and its critic's MetaScore is 94.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


5 added. Thank you, Pencho. :)

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

5 months ago

FYC, I think you might consider adjusting your parameters.

You could do multiple lists, split up by IMDb ratings. (ie 8.5 + with 100,000 minimum). Alternatively, you could lower the minimum to 75,000 votes or another threshold and still have a solid answer pool. There are 709 movies that are 8.0+ IMDb rated and have between 5,000 and 99,999 votes. There are 102 movies that are 8.5+ IMDb-rated and have between 5,000 and 99,999 IMDb votes. 

Personally, if you are going to have a cherry-picked list, I would focus on the biggest travesties and focus on movies that should have been seen by at least 100,000 IMDb users because they are that good. Here are the biggest travesties of movies that belong in this poll that I have personally seen, IMHO. I rated all these movies, 9 or 10, and they have less than 100k votes currently on IMDb (some are already listed in your list).


8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

It's a good idea! I'll split it up into two polls. I've changed the title and the intro, so far.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


I just saw that many good movies fall of the list, if I doo ... and are not presented on the other list. I'll redo that decision, but will do another part on your inspiration. Thank you.

Ready to go!

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points


Originally, the poll would have had 674 unlisted options out 709 possibilities, when you can only list 35 answers. I don't think all of those unlisted movies either deserve to have more than 100,000 votes and 8.0+ IMDb rating or both. But, still that is far too many unlisted options, IMHO. I think you can raise the bar too in some way for inclusion.

For instance, I have personally seen 261 out of the 709 movies that were both 8.0+ IMDb-rated and had 99,999 or less votes. I rated 160 movies with an 8 or higher IMDb rating: 8 ratings by me (135 movies), 9 ratings by me (22 movies) and 10 ratings (3 movies). So, splitting the list and raising the bar seem to be logical steps to makes your answer pool and the pool of possibilities closer in size to each other.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@Breumaster​ , Your call.

I think a lot fell off the list because there so many possiblities. I don't think you are accounting for all the movies that belong, that were unlisted. You might not feel the same if you saw the ones that were not included. Granted, a lot of the unlisted films from the 709 movies are foreign (non-American) and/or from countries that either mass produce a lot of movies every year and/or were more generous with their ratings because of how the populace grade in general, so an apples vs oranges situation applies.


8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


I searched hard to not make it an indian-only-movie-list. Avove 8.5 there are mostly indian movies witch such low count.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@Breumaster​ I am not surprised. I agree with however you choose to handle it. India makes more movies than any other country, plus their moviegoer are far more generous in their IMDb ratings, IMHO.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


"... India makes more movies than any other country, ..."

... and has potetially more people to rate it high. So it becomes a matter of ... maybe ... cultural motivated votes.