Breumaster's profile

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 4:06 AM

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Poll Suggestion: Best Role Since 2000 (poll-series, male)


[name of actor] always was a man that stole other actors' show by his outstanding personality. Especially in his late roles he did better and better.

In which of his late roles from 2000 until now did he act the best?

Tell us here.


Still living actors. Handsome or tough actors with strong personality. Please no jokes like Kermit the Frog or "actors" like that. This is thought as a hymn for the most handsome and also at least good actors. No "B-movie-stars". Strong personalities! I'm going to do polls in this row like:

Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Sylvester Stallone, Jeff Bridges, Michael Caine, ... All of them 60+ (!)

No matter who you are suggesting, I'll put these first in the polls. Please suggest with images of their roles for each of their movies on IMDb you think is necessary  from 2000 untill now.

Only roles with images on IMDb are considered. No animated roles, pure face. TV-Series and documentations ok, but only one image each TV-Series.



Poll: Harrisonn Ford - Best Roles Sine 2000

Poll: Clint Eastwood - Best Roles Since 2000

Poll: Jeff Bridges - Best Role Since 2000

Poll: Anthony Hopkins - Best Role Since 2000

Poll: Samuel L. Jackson - Best Role Since 2000

Poll: Brad Pitt - Best Role Since 2000


Pending lists:

List (Tom Cruise):

List (Morgan Freeman):

List (Robert De Niro):

List (Denzel Washington): Denzel Washington - The Best Role Before 2000

List (Michael Caine): Michael Caine - The Best Role Since 2000

(would be good around March when he has Birthday)


Robert DeNiro: TBD

Michael Douglas: TBD

Denzel Washington: TBD

Dustin Hofman: TBD

Tom Hanks: TDB

Sylvester Stallone:TBD

Arnold Schwarzenegger:TBD

Al Pacino: TBD

Dolph Lundgren: TBD

George Clooney: TBD

Mickey Rourke: TBD

Bruce Willis

Tom Cruise

To be continued ...

714 Messages


8K Points

1 year ago

Here are some candidates along with their suggested performances.

All were 40 years of age or older at the time of the respective film's release.

1. Joaquin Phoenix in Joker(2019), aged 44.

2. Matthew McConaughey  in Interstellar(2014) aged 45

3. Tom Cruise in Top Gun Maverick(2022) aged 60

4. Robert Downey, Jr. in The Marvel Cinematic Universe aged 43-54

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, NYVKE. When I wrote that suggestion, I was in hurry, because I had no time.

This suggestion is a male mirror to the ladie's list (link). So I forgot to mention that only actors 60+

are considered. I've Put Tom Cruise on the list. :)

714 Messages


8K Points

1 year ago

Michael Caine

Samuel L. Jackson


8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Both will be in that Series. ;)

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

1 year ago

Jeff Bridges' list added.



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

1 year ago

Please correct the discussion links, they show a 404 error.


Harrison Ford - Best Role Since 2000

Harrison Ford always was a man that stole other actors' show by his outstanding personality.




19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

@Breumaster ,

Please correct the discussion links, they show a 404 error.


Harrison Ford - Best Role Since 2000

Harrison Ford always was a man that stole other actors' show by his outstanding personality.

The current discussion link has edit at the end:

Please change to:

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, Dan. Corrected.

I'll check the other lists.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


actors' show ... also corrected.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Great Big Good One! The next list I'll write.

I've put him to the list section.

Thanks, Jaf! :D

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


It's a pitty that Pitt turns 60 only in December, so I had to mark him "not before December 2023".

I have to obey my own rules, isn*t it?

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


"seems" is a good word for it. Considering the candidates I already have on the actress and octor side, the longness vanishes, somehow. There will be very decent actors/tresses to fill the gap. But I will do the list soon. ;)



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

1 year ago

Do you really think Harrison Ford and others are better in later roles?

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Yes I do. They grow as an actress/actor. The more you know and learn, the more it takes an effect on you. All do love Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter and that is what makes them remembered to a role. But they still develope. For example: I think that Sharon Stone strongly gained personality.

Same for e.g. Julianne Moore and Sigourney Weaver. Since Blondie, Clint Eastwood had much better roles, but is always pinned to Blondie. I think his Walt Kowalski was much deeper and even more likeable. Even though I think that "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly" is still the better movie, in my humble opinion. But Gran Torino is more necessary today. I see that on different bases/levels. For me there is black, white ... and inbetween a billion shades of grey, even though I like the harder contrasts.


8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


And it's not only that. It also shows, which actress/actor did better after 2000 ... and how much better. ;)


714 Messages


8K Points

Ford needs to retire gracefully or take age-appropriate roles.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


I think he can do. Since I heard a German interview at Maischberger's talkshow, I'm conviced he can still do on another level.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Peter, as of September 29, 2023 it seems like Harrison Ford did more of his popular roles after 2000.

With only 28 of 170 votes for his older roles, he has a quote of  ~ 4:1 for his newer roles.

Seems like he still is a big star, admired by many followers today.


714 Messages


8K Points


I voted for What Lies Beneath, his oldest film post 2000. It is currently standing at #4.

The "I liked his earlier roles" option stands at #2.

Still, its a nice idea, and we need more creative ideas for polls.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


What I wanted to say is that at that time There were 4 times more post 2000 roles of him voted than pre 2000 roles. I stated that because Peter asked me, if I think that Harrison Ford and others are better now. The voters answered. I guess the male actors will get more votes in general. I noticed that in past times on other issues. It's a man's world.


8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Well, Peter. You see that Ford collected 238 votes by now, 6:1 for his newer roles.

I guess that the guys will collect more votes in general. I expect a close result

for Samuel L. Jackson and Tom Cruise.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

1 year ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Breu

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, Pencho. Thank you, Buddies. :D

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

1 year ago

Did the list for Samuel L. Jackson. That was a problem list, because he still is so active that there were a few more than 50 options, so I had to cut it down to 35. I first deleted all multiple role entries and minor roles. But also had to cut some minor roles of bigger movies Like in Kill Bill 2, where the screentime was very short. I tried to keep the most interesting and entertaining roles he had. It will always be a compromise. In some movies there weren't real good images available. As far as I didn't know the role he did, I deleted bad looking images of these films, considering the rating and popularity of the movies.

714 Messages


8K Points

I suggest Secret Invasion for Nick Fury rather than Iron Man 2.

If you are limiting it to movies, I suggest Captain Marvel since that was the film in which he had by far the most screen time.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Yep. But it's tragic somehow that in his most important movie of the MCU, there is no real good image. I took the one that still looks the best. It isn't really good that the optical main characteristic of Fury isn't there in the movie ... his eye-patch. Look at the image. He somehow doesn't look like the real Fury. (regarding the recognition factor in the poll)


8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Changed it, please look. :)

714 Messages


8K Points

Yes fair point. He also looks Downs' Syndrome because of  the deaging CGI.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Too bad the deaging CGI couldn't make him thinner. He used to be really skinny back in the early 1990s.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

11 months ago

Tom Cruise has his list now.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

11 months ago

Morgan Freeman now has his list online.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

11 months ago

Clint Eastwood live poll:

Congratulations Breu

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, Pencho. Thank you, Buddies. :D

714 Messages


8K Points

Like with Ford, I went with one of Eastwood's oldest roles on the list, Blood Work (2002)

Good film, though it always amuses me when he produces/directs his own films, he casts a woman his granddaughter's age to be his character's romantic interest. 😂


8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


I saw. Just made a poll suggestion about the 60th "anniversary" of the assassitation 1960s president. It was marked private. Look: List



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

10 months ago

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, Peter. Thank you, Buddies. :D

714 Messages


8K Points

10 months ago


Just saw this:

This is thought as a hymn for the most handsome and also at least good actors. No "B-movie-stars". Strong personalities! I'm going to do polls in this row like:

I basically agree, but what's with "Handsome"? What about excellent ugly actors like Willem Dafoe and Morgan Freeman?



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

7 months ago

Live Anthony Hopkins Poll:

Congratulations Breu

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, Pencho. Thank you, Buddies. :D



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


In option #29, the title of the movie (Red Dragon) doesn't appear in the poll. Could you edit the list and add the title so people know which movie role they are voting for?



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


In option #29, the title of the movie (Red Dragon) doesn't appear in the poll. Could you edit the list and add the title so people know which movie role they are voting for?

19 Messages


286 Points

7 months ago

Obnoxious meaningless poll for Hopkins' roles after 2000 when the top choice is a 90s film and an 80s role is also included.

I don't know who makes these polls, but this is the second one this week when I've thought you people can do much better.

The ten commandments of film fans with Jim Carrey roles? A lopsided Anthony Hopkins poll? 



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


The image for option #29 is from Red Dragon (2002). For some reason the movie title didn't show up in the poll, which is unfortunate, but no one, including the author of the poll, can be blamed for that.



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points


The Hannibal Lecter option is from Red Dragon (2002). The last option has an image from the 80s, but it is clearly stated that it is a catch-all option for roles from before 2000.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Hi, Jessica.

I entered IMDB now over VPN from Stockholm and also from San Francisco (via Wiregueard). No matter which connection I try, all the images are there. Maybe your browser needs to be updated? I tried it with Edge over Android Tablet. No problem to see all images.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Hi. You are invited to do better than us. I'm in great expectation about. :D

714 Messages


8K Points

Narcissism is evident in online communities by the choice of nickname used.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Is this for "...master" or "...Goddess"?

714 Messages


8K Points


Goddess bro, not you.



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


As you can see in the poll, the caption for image #29 is "Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Hannibal Lecter". The movie title is not there, hence the confusion.

Please edit the description in #29 to say "Hannibal Lecter from Red Dragon (2002)".

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


I've changed it. Re-push  is suggested. :D

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Oof, now I'm relieved.

I don't know if I ever told. Breumaster is not the nickname I gave myself. It was my Englisch teacher in middle school who made class laugh. So now this is my nickname since then.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Hi there, MinorSeaGoddess, Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you. For your information, people in one category make the content of polls while people in another category approve the suggested polls and see to it that they go live with standard polling functionality. Sometimes mistakes are made, though. Sometimes good feedback comes too late, necessitating re-pushes where re-pushing is possible within technical constraints. So, there you go, and perhaps you have more information than you did before presenting your concerns and wonders.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


I guess I took it as self-evident that the image doesn't show William Peterson, but Anthony Hopkins. Not everyone is such a intense movie-nerd like us. I try to avoid that next times. I hope I remember. After two times having covid, my remembrance is unfortunately not the same like before. :(

714 Messages


8K Points


COVID has had all sorts of long-terms effects on otherwise healthy people with no genetic or lifestyle-related predispositions to certain conditions.

The three I see most commonly are, in order:

(1) Cardiac Issues

(2) Gynaecological Issues (especially concerning since these only affect ½ the population)

(3) Neuro/psych Issues.

I also see this in people who did not contract COVID but took the (Pfizer) vax.



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


I guess I took it as self-evident that the image doesn't show William Peterson, but Anthony Hopkins. 

It's clearly Anthony Hopkins in the image, but I guess MinorSeaGoddess (and maybe others) may have thought the image was from Silence of the Lambs.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


... or MinorSeaGoddess just read 'Red Dragon' and was remembered to the 80's movie with Petersen, without guessing there was a remake done in the 2000s. I guess that's the most probably reason.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


First was vaccinated with AstraZeneca, later got Pfizered several times. But not with the stuff everyone would want. ;)))


714 Messages


8K Points


Hahahahahahaha 😂😂

As long as Frau Breumaster is satisfied 🤣

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


We've got no problem. It would just be extra fun. ;)