mariojacobs's profile

3.8K Messages


57.3K Points

Sunday, February 28th, 2021 11:32 AM


Poll Suggestion: Face-Off: IMDb vs. Col Needham vs. Jeff Bezos

​The ​​Internet Movie Database​​ began — before the web! — as a movie database on a ​​Usenet​​ group in 1990 and moved to the web in 1993. It was acquired by ​​Amazon​​ in 1998. As of 2020, IMDb has ​​7.5 million titles​​, ​​10.4 million personalities​​ and ​​83 million registered users​​.​

​Col Needham​​ (born 1967) is an English entrepreneur who is the founder and CEO of IMDb. His all-time favorite movie quote from ​​Grand Canyon (1991)​​: "All of life's riddles are answered in the movies".​

​Jeff Bezos​​ (born 1964) is an American internet entrepreneur, industrialist, media proprietor and investor. He is the founder and CEO of the technology company ​​Amazon​​ and he is the ​​richest person in the world​​ according to the Forbes Billionaires ranking.​

​Here is a list of a TV series, a TV episode and a movie related to IMDb history.​

​Out of curiosity, which one would you be interested in watching?​


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