khadafimahfud8's profile

767 Messages


11.9K Points

Saturday, November 25th, 2023 12:59 PM

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Poll Suggestion: IMDb Poll Board Favorite Sports Club

The members of the IMDb poll board shared their favorite sports club.

Which of these clubs do you like the most?


1), If your choice of sports club is the same as the other board, then comment, with it your name will be included with club fans if your favorite.

2), If you are a fan of athletes from any sport, you can include it to represent the sports club.


469 Messages


6.2K Points

10 months ago

I am not sure if anyone will choose Manchester United😆

767 Messages


11.9K Points

@HamidrezaMpmm​ We'll see, don't be pessimistic, MU is the club with the most fans in the world. It could be that among the IMDb board there are those who idolize MU. 😁 🔴


469 Messages


6.2K Points

@khadafimahfud8​ Does Manchester United really have the most fans in the world? I did not know
We are top😎😆

767 Messages


11.9K Points

@HamidrezaMpmm​ As far as I know, I've read statistical data about it. And as a football fan, who doesn't know the history and loyalty of MU fans. One of the English league teams that I respect the most, as a Real Madrid fan.

469 Messages


6.2K Points

@khadafimahfud8​ I respected and loved some of the players of Real Madrid, such as Raul Gonzalez, Iker Casillas, Roberto Carlos.

9.9K Messages


177K Points

@HamidrezaMpmm​ Yes Man U has the biggest fanbase in the world



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

10 months ago

Nice idea, but I don't know if we have that many football fans on the poll board..

Maybe you could ask a broader question, like Favorite Sports Club?

And please add my name next to yours. 

767 Messages


11.9K Points

@Jessica​ Yes, I thought so, maybe this suggestion can include more choices, from sports lovers, such as NBA, Baseball or American Football.

Okay I'll add you as a Madridistas. Hala Madrid ⚪️

4K Messages


85.9K Points

10 months ago

Boston Red Sox 

767 Messages


11.9K Points

@Tsarstepan​ thanks, but I can't find the baseball club you mentioned, the one I found on IMDb is Boston Celtics (an NBA club). What do you think?




9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


I recommend making an image list instead.



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

10 months ago

FC Barcelona



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

10 months ago

While football is the sport I follow the most, I don't watch the league in my country, Mexico. Long story short, we have a terrible system that doesn't reward sporting merits and I place a lot of the guilt on our team always underperforming on our terrible system that only cares about money. Therefore I don't have a favorite sport club here since those I used to support were sacrificed for someone's business.

Out of my country, I practically always like to support the underdog, so whichever team has the odds against it is the one I usually like. But there are three I'm really passionate about, altought I doubt they have images available at the IMDb as they are really small.

They all play in the Spanish league system and they are Sporting de Gijón (Second tier and my grandfather's hometown) Cultural Leonesa (Third tier and my other grandfather's town as well as the place were most of my family came from) and Sabadell (also third tier and the town I lived when I spent a year studying in Spain and which I grew to love).



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


Sporting de Gijón have spent 42 seasons in La Liga. Maybe you could use this image?



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

@Jessica​ if Khadafi wants it its a good option.  Actually the three teams have been at La Liga at some point, Sporting is the most succesful of them. If you make a table with every single team that has played at least one season, then Cultural is the worst of them all :)

Since none of my teams is likely to get any vote besides mine, another option would be adding as an option "I always support the underdog".


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767 Messages


11.9K Points

@Pencho15​ I know some clubs from the Mexican league, but I just found out the flash of the story you told, even though I have a positive perception of your country's football, especially the Mexico national team that will host the 2026 world cup with the US and Canada. But your explanation makes me look for information about Mexican league clubs.

You are a minority football fan, I like the way fans think like you, not only looking at the team's achievements, but looking at the side to stand with the team on paper will lose, good.

I just included Gijon, because he often appeared in the Copa Del Rey.

767 Messages


11.9K Points

@Jessica​ Due to the difficulty of finding Gijon images, I use your advice with La Liga images, and also I use instructions in the form of Instagram links for each club on this list.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points


I always say my way of supporting team is good for me, I rarely have any expectation of winning so I don't suffer when they lost, and if they happen to win, then I can be extremely happy.

With Mexico team I don't have that benefit, its just suffering, we were actually mananging a great team and since 1994 up to 2014 we made some great performances in World Cups, but after that we have really go down and 2022 was terrible.

We used to play in South American tournaments both at national team and club level, and that was exciting and it helped us improve a lot, but then our National Federation decided to take us out, and the rivals we face at Concacaf are not really good enough to help us keep a high level.

Also, the geniuses in charge of football eliminted promotion, so now bad teams don't have any punishment or stimulus to improve as they have a place at the top tier guranteed, and the league system allows the 12th placed team (out of 18) to finnish as champion. Its just crazy.

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767 Messages


11.9K Points


I prefer a club with good players and a clear game system, which makes me relaxed and enjoy the way the game is shown, so that I see more the beauty of a club's game from my point of view, which makes me like to watch big clubs, let alone big games between big clubs.

It is very rough and bad of such a league system, where there is no relegation zone for the lower clubs. You are right this makes small clubs unable to develop into a better team, because they feel they will not be eliminated from the highest caste zone, it is like the American league system, since Messi went to Inter Miami, I found out the league.

And to my surprise the league does not have a relegation zone for the bottom team. However, this may be because official football clubs in America only have a few clubs to compete with. Does Mexico have many football clubs, which pass 20 teams for one league caste and the caste below it, if that's the case, it's very worrying. Hopefully by hosting the 2026 world cup, it can have an impact on the development of Mexican football which is experiencing system problem.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

@khadafimahfud8​ The only country in the American continent that had no relegation was the United States, as they follow the franchise system from their own sports.

Mexico had promotion/relegation for decades and since the foundation of the second division, they scrapped it during the pandemic to "protect their economy" and each year they keep saying it will remain that way. They are just protecting each other since clubs here have an owner and they are not really clubs like in Europe.

There are many historical clubs that got stuck in lower division and now they can't hope to return, there are over 200 clubs in lower divisions.

Before this, promotion wasn't a guarantee, if a powerful club was supposed to go down, they just payed the promoted club to buy their place, but at least there was a chance.

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767 Messages


11.9K Points


Oh I see, the case is the same as the league in my country Indonesia, the difference from your country the policy is because of the pandemic, but if you say they every year want to maintain the system forever, then it's only natural that you don't agree with it, the same as football fans whose culture already knows the system like promotion/relegation, because we can't be like the NBA system, which is the same as the MLS from the United States, which you explained earlier. 

In Indonesia, the first season happened but it was not because of the pandemic, but the tragedy from Kanjuruan last year, which killed many victims of supporters who took to the field, and there was a clash with the police, plus safety facilities that did not inters with FIFA from Kanjuruan Stadium. So that he had stopped the league, and finally the league continued without a season's relegation, it drew criticism and many parties did not agree with the decision. Because the team from the second caste has passed promotion to the main caste. But I don't really care like you do for the league in my own country, because I don't follow any interest in watching their games, which I consider very bad, so I enjoy European football more, especially the Spanish league and the English league.

I think this is a factor of the club ownership system that is regulated by individual business people, so that the authority is in the decision. Unlike La Liga, where the right through investment from fans is also in Spanish clubs, such as the Socio ownership system implemented by Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, the benefits of fans who love a club will have authority in the policy towards the club. However, if the club officials are full of business people who care about the economy, then the goal of seeking economic benefits will be to penetrate the top of the federation who may also have the same interests as the club owner.

Therefore, if a club has talented players, but the externality of a club is bad, it will have a bad effect on the internal club, that means the football federation in that country.



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

5 months ago

Perhaps your list intro should be something like this:

The members of the IMDb poll board shared their favorite sports club.

Which of these clubs do you support?  or  Which of these clubs do you like the most?

And I was thinking, if you don't get enough options, you could also ask for favorite athlete (from individual sports, like tennis, golf, athletics etc.).



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


Please remember to make the edits in your list. And maybe it should now be:

IMDb Poll Board Favorite Sports Club/Athlete

The members of the IMDb poll board shared their favorite sports club and/or athlete.

Which of these clubs or people do you like the most?

By the way, should the athletes still be active or can they be retired?




9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


Please make the edits in your list.