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Friday, May 10th, 2024 4:37 AM

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Poll Suggestion: IMDb Poll Board's Top 5 ESC Songs in 2024


The ESC is the biggest International song contest; it has been held for 68 years and is thereby the longest-running TV-music-show in the world. It takes place each year in the home country of last year's winner. More than 1.700 songs were promoted around the world by the European Broadcasting Union who founded the biggest event in Europe. In 2024 it was hosted by Petra Mede and Malin Akerman.

The ESC (IMDb) is a show which strongly unites countries in a very peaceful way. On May 11th, 2024, the finals of the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest were held and we have a winner. Nemo with the song "The Code" rocked it. Now it's the time to reveal the Poll Board's favorites.

Which of the IMDb Poll Board users' Top 5 Picks is most close to your own? (If you didn't hear any of them, which would you like to hear?)

Please cheer here.


Pick your personal Top 5 participants of the ESC 2024, please. You can of course also take the winner, but 4 others aside, please.


Poll: TBD



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

4 months ago

I liked this year songs less than those of 2023.

That said, this year I support.

1.- Armenia

2.- Luxembourg

3.- Germany

4.- San Marino (If we can pick those eliminated in the semifinal)

5.- Italy

6.- France (If San Marino is not allowed)


8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Pencho, each one of the competitors over the whole event is allowed.

I*ll put your suggestion to an option on the list.

Thank your for suggesting.

Everyone should be free to pick his or her Top 5 of them. :D

This poll is a matter of taste. The only border is the number of competitors

and then picking five of them.


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165.9K Points



I did also love the performance of Armenia. For me it was one of the best.

I guess all in all I'd have rather a top 10 than a top 5, but because there

are too few competitors to make a top 10 of it, I limited it to top 5.

If there will be too less suggestions, I'm willing to raise it up to ten and

make a Face-Off out of it.

Most honorable mentions:

Luxemburg, Armenia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Moldava

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, Pencho. :D Done.



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

@Breumaster​ While I liked last year songs better than this one, I had better luck this year. Only San Marino and Poland out of my favorites where left out of the finals.

Last year five of the six songs I liked where eliminated in the semifinals, I only got Norway to root for in the end. 

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The contest is invaluable necessary somehow for Europe's cohesion. It's a kind of emotional glue.

It simply is underestimated by many people. Thank you for watching the show! :D



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

@Breumaster​ In 2022 they actually announced there was going to be a version for America, but since then there has been no more news about it, hopefully it will arrive someday. As a concept, I love it.

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I see a little problem in adding South or Noth America to it, because it says "Eurovision Song Contest". Australia is just in because of the Common Wealth, which is strongly connected to Great Britain. To understand that, one must first understand, that the EBU founded the ESC with the idea of uniting Europe emotional and non politically in the middle fifties of last century. Since then so many changes happened. But the basic alliance structure of the EBU is still fix. Australia is so delighted with, that they made an exception, because Australia is connected via the Commonwealth.The main problem with your wish is, that the EBU connects only the EU and the riparian states of it. That contains also states on the Mediterranean Sea. Russia was also in, but got suspended recently for obviously causes. Only a few countries got suspended. I appreciate you like the show. Thank you for that and welcome watching it. If you want to vote, I guess you can also do, because they mentioned that people from over 140 countries in the whole world voted by SMS or call.


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165.9K Points


On the other hand, the hope that world finaly unites with keeping each countries specific peculiarities is a golden wish, we all should work on. So maybe - I hope so - the ESC will someday become something like "The World Song Contest" - TWSC or WSC. But I also hope it will be up to sample with the very stable example of the ESC. I would welcome Mexico, and of course the other countries of the two American continents. ;D




6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

@Breumaster​ I understand it was meant to be a different contest, they would just call it Eurovision for branding purposes, but it would be only for Latin American countries, here is the original announcement:

A long time ago, there was a similar contest for Iberoamerican countries called Festival de la O.T.I. It had all countries where either Spanish or Portuguese is spoken, that means almost all America plus Spain and Portugal, and in later years even an African country, Equatorial Guinea, took place. By the time I was born it was no longer popular and it ended in the year 2000, I only knew about it reading in the Internet as I never saw it when I was a kid. 

By the way, did you like the winning entry from Switzerland?

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Yes, otherways Nemo wouldn't be under my Top 5, isn't it? Great performance. It was fun how happy the guy was. I think he rightfully winned, even though I would rather have seen Nebulossa on top, after translating the 5 texts and after a little research about all of them. I could shuffle my top5 again and pick another order witch Nebulossa on top. Congratulations, Nemo! Love, peace and understanding. ;D

Btw.: I must admit that I didn't hear about the other contests. I'm a 50+ mid-ager and guess you are a little yonger, is it? In my youth, according to today, the environment I lived in was more conservative in many ways and more free in others. Today many things are more liberal, while some others developed to be more conservative. The world is in constant change, but I think we need fix stones where we can stand, sit, lay down, take a rest and preserve some virtues. The best idea about the ESC is to come together in the old spirit of searching for similarities. Music is the medium for that in the ESC. It's emotional hygiene.
