Breumaster's profile

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

Sunday, September 1st, 2024 1:37 AM

Live Poll: Scavenger Hunt


In some movies the characters are on the hunt to aim for a goal. Mostly all of them are movies about a treasure hunt. When the characters find a hint for their goal, it leads to another hint with story twists and turns. Except the last hint, which finally reveals the last steps to the goal. Please only movies with a rating of 6.0/10 or higher.

Which of these scavenger hunt movies or franchises is your favorite?

Please tell us here.


No movies like In 80 days around the world, or other races without hints. Maybe a documentary, if there exists one like that - I have doubts about that. No animated. I fthere is only one movie in the franchise that is a scavenger hunt, then please name only that movie. If there are at least 2 movies in a franchise that are scavenger hunt, please name the franchise. Please only movies with a rating of 6.0/10 or higher.



8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

19 days ago

Well at the moment I have a little time to do some work on the polls.



14.2K Messages


328K Points

17 days ago

Please remove "Poll Suggestion:" from the list title.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Sure, done. :D

8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

17 days ago

@Breumaster 😀

Look thru this list??

Advanced title search

124 Titles


8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, ACT_1. I'll surely add some of them.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you. I've put some of them on the list. :D

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, I've put your suggestions on the list. :D



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

16 hours ago

Ahoy, Mateys! Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day

Congratulations, @Breumaster!

Breumaster's Profile • IMDbPollStats

Scavenger Hunt

Live Poll:

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points


Thank you, Dan. Thank you, Buddies. :D

Maybe I got more time next weeks in the evening. ;)

(Middle European Time)
