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42.3K Points

Monday, January 9th, 2023 2:35 PM

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Poll Suggestion: What is Your Worst Day of the Week?

"We are officially giving Monday the record of the worst day of the week", tweeted Guinness World Records in October 2022. 

Do you agree with this statement or do you have another option? 

466 Messages


4.9K Points

2 years ago

My best day of the week is Sunday because I get bundled up and leave the house to go to church.  THe other six days, unless I have a doctor's appointment, all pretty much run together as I am mostly bedridden and stuck at home.  There really isn't much difference between them (except for the days when I can watch college football or college baseball, which are better days... but that is seasonal).

2.8K Messages


42.3K Points

@TheOldJalapenoman​ So, to clarify: Your answer to the question is ... Every day is a bad day except Sunday.

466 Messages


4.9K Points

@GabrielFox​ Not really bad.... just equally boring!  My granddaughter does come to visit on the weekend, so that is better.  Monday through Wednesday, however, are pretty much equally boring.

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42.3K Points

@TheOldJalapenoman​ Come on, don't be lazy, get off your butt and do something new in your routine. Get out of your comfort zone. Read something new, watch a series or movie that someone else recommends. Go out, walk through places you don't know, eat different things in different places.
Life is short and dying of boredom is too sad.

466 Messages


4.9K Points

@GabrielFox​ Thank you for the encouragement, but I no longer can walk to the mailbox 50 yards from my front door.  I have tried riding my exercise bike to build strength, but it has the opposite effect of sapping any strength.  I get headaches when I read anything on paper for more than five minutes, but can read on a computer screen a little longer.  I can't stand more than ten minutes at a time to cook or do dishes or laundry.  If I get down on my butt outside to try and garden, I have troubles trying to get up (both knees and one of my hips are bad).  I recognize that my medical condition has made me mostly a couch potato and I hate it.  I actually can still play solitaire with an actual deck of cards, but have problems with shuffling with my limited manual dexterity.  It is, however, one of my few pleasures in life and I have learned several versions of solitaire.

2.8K Messages


42.3K Points

@TheOldJalapenoman​ Life is not fair, but we have to keep moving forward. Keep the good mood and the mind active.