urbanemovies's profile

9.8K Messages


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Thursday, May 30th, 2024 5:30 PM

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PS: Favorite DC Black 'Joker' Franchise Film (10/4+ 2-Option Face-Off)

Which movie from the Todd Phillips' DC Black 'Joker' franchise is your favorite one?  

Live Poll: TBD 

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls547586906/copy/

2.8K Messages


42.3K Points

4 months ago

9.8K Messages


161.4K Points

@GabrielFox​ Sorry, I didn't see your prior poll suggestion. I can't delete the post.

But I made my poll suggestion's title more for future consideration, if they start making more 'Twister' franchise films. I doubt that is likely, since the latest film is being billed as a stand-alone film, so my poll suggestion likely won't go anywhere. Helen Hunt has indicated an interest in making a different sequel,that she wanted to write, direct and star, but has been rebuffed by the studio. Obviously, your poll gets the primary consideration for the immediate two title face-off.


9.8K Messages


161.4K Points

@GabrielFox​ I just decided to repurpose the thread for another face-off entirely.
