Horst's profile

422 Messages


14.3K Points

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 4:42 PM



Adding titles/names to very long lists (and, right after, changing positions in list order)

Hello I will try to explain. Let's say I have a list of 400 titles, i.e. several pages and I add a new title, then it gets always added at the very end. Let's say we add the title while in list edit mode and we have page 1 open that shows the first 250 titles or so, then sometimes it happens that there is a message the title was added successfully to your list, but I have to go to page 2 to edit the position, and sometimes the title is added and it is impossible right away to change the position at the bottom. Is there any logic behind which of the two happens when? It looks fairly random to me.

Can an imdb member explain the technical background and if there is something I don't see, like maybe if you search for the name, search for the ttnumber etc., whatever has an impact on the behavior I described above?

Accepted Solution



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

2 years ago

Thanks for raising this.  The list software is based on our old technology and we will be able to address bugs such as this one once lists move to the new software platform.  Sorry for any inconvenience in the meantime. 

422 Messages


14.3K Points

2 years ago

Hello I will try to explain. Let's say I have a list of 400 titles, i.e. several pages and I add a new title, then it gets always added at the very end. Let's say we add the title while in list edit mode and we have page 1 open that shows the first 250 titles or so, then sometimes it happens that there is a message the title was added successfully to your list, but I have to go to page 2 to edit the position, and sometimes the title is added and it is impossible right away to change the position at the bottom. Is there any logic behind which of the two happens when? It looks fairly random to me.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Adding titles/names to very long lists (and, right after, changing positions in list order)



5K Messages


118.1K Points

What is the exact message/symptom when it's "impossible right away to change the position at the bottom"?

422 Messages


14.3K Points

@bderoes​ the title is simply not listed at the page where I currently am. Sometimes it is, sometimes it is not.

Sometimes it says

249 abc

250 def

401 ghi

and sometimes it says

249 abc

250 def

"Congrats, the title was successfully added" (not the exact words)

and I have to go to the last page to change the order number



5K Messages


118.1K Points


Yes, I've seen that behavior.

If I want to change the position of the incoming title, I'll go to the last page to add it, or reverse the order of the list first.

422 Messages


14.3K Points

Yeah it's just easier though when I check the number where I want it in the list and I am at an early page that I can just put it there.



5K Messages


118.1K Points

422 Messages


14.3K Points

@bderoes​ Thanks bderoes. I gave it an upvote, gonna take a look at it in detail later on.

422 Messages


14.3K Points

This was not really answered though.



5K Messages


118.1K Points


You asked whether a feature can be changed.

There's no option for a user to change it.

IMDb rarely answers whether they intend to change something in the future.

What sort of answer are you expecting?

(Note that the Idea I linked above dates back to January 13th, 2018.)

422 Messages


14.3K Points

Wrong. I asked about the logic behind it, bderoes. You may wanna read again. If it happens completely random that you have the chance to edit right away or if you have to go to the last page. I think as there is technical, probably html background involved, only an imdb technician can answer accurately.



5K Messages


118.1K Points

I just did a test: created a new list, copied 250 items into it, Edit view in List Order, and added a title using the bottom Add box. Each of the 3 times I added, the title appeared at the bottom as items 251, 252 and 253.

Then I refreshed the page, and only 250 items show. Added the next title, and it gave the success message but did not list the new title. Same thing as I added more.

Then I reversed the order of the titles, so #256 is on top, #7 on the bottom. Added a title and got the success message, not display of the new title.

My theory is that it only displays the "extra" titles when the list has a multiple of 250 titles, and you are viewing the Edit page is on the last page of the list sorted in List Order.

@Horst​, do you have a counterexample to that?

BTW, this may technically be a bug, but I never reported it because it's actually a feature in the sense that when I'm adding I'm not forced to refresh the page to see the most recent adds, plus I can still see less recent adds without going back a page.



5K Messages


118.1K Points

Tried one more thing: I deleted all the extra titles, bringing the list back to 250. Sorted in reverse list order. Added another title, and it displayed under title #1 at the end of the list. So it looked a bit odd: title 2, title 1, title 251, but I still liked that it showed the new title.

422 Messages


14.3K Points

2 years ago

Thanks Col, looking forward to the transfer! Have a nice day.