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220 Points

Monday, September 18th, 2017 8:57 PM

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ATS: Support for "OR" searches in genres / countries and other fields

"No results." displays when searching for five (5) or more GENRES.  
Please enable Search for more than four genres at once -- twenty would be nice.  


Action Adventure Animation Biography Comedy Crime Documentary Drama Family Fantasy Film-Noir Game-Show History Horror Music Musical Mystery News Reality-TV Romance Sci-Fi Sport Talk-Show Thriller War Western



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

7 years ago

This is because genres search works as an "and" search not an "or" search. 

For example, if you check both Romance and Comedy, you are searching for titles which have both of these genres -> http://www.imdb.com/search/title?genres=comedy,romance&title_type=feature

When you are searching for five genres, you are asking for titles with all five selected genres NOT any one of the five selected genres.  Very few titles have five genres so this is why your search returns no results. 

2 Messages


220 Points

Oh, OK, yes, thanks for the explanation, that makes sense.  

So please fix this issue and change the Genres search logic from AND to OR so that it would then work like all these other topics: 
  • Title Type
  • Instant Watch Options
  • US Certificates
  • Production Status
Creeping elegance:   
Enable the user to select AND or OR logic for each search topic.  

At the very least, please clearly identify which topics are now AND and which topics are now OR logic since there is a confusing and frustrating mixture of both throughout all the different topics on this Advanced Title Search page.  


2 Messages


132 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled ATS: or vs. and & | in advanced IMDb search.

in the advanced search they used to support using the | symbol between genre's in the search.

example: http://www.imdb.com/search/title?count=100&genres=action|adventure|biography|comedy|crime|docume...

now that gives me a an error. If I want to see all the movies in all genre's that meet my criteria I need an OR | not an AND &

please bring this feature back, I used it often. if I select all the genres by checkboxes it only shows me movies that fit all the genres which is NONE.

2 Messages


84 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled ATS: Support "or" for genres.

Please allow multiple "Genre" to be selected in the "Advanced Title Search." 

Example: "Adventure" *OR* "Drama"

(OR logic, rather than AND logic)

2 Messages


174 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled ATS: Add OR/NOT options to advanced title search.

It would be great if advanced searches had an "or" option.For instance, right now I can do an advanced title search on films whose genres are "romance" AND "horror," but I can't search for films that are "romance" OR "horror," or "romance" NOT "horror."

3 Messages


182 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled ATS: Advanced search by several countries (OR rather than AND).

Hello,I wanted to search for European comedies of the 1960s, and so had selected several European countries from the Countries box, thinking that the operator in between all selected countries is OR. It turns out it's actually AND, which is why I was getting zero results, since no film was made between ALL of those countries.A good way to improve this search form would be to make the Countries selection box work not just as "all" countries selected (AND operator, as it is now), but also as as "any" country from those selected (OR logical operator).

1 Message


60 Points

1 year ago

For everyone, who have the same problem with genres - there is a workaround! Though it's not obvious from the UI, the engine actually supports excluding genres by specifying "!" before them, like "...&genres=drama,!horror&" which would show you all of the drama titles, that are not horrors. In the UI, you can do it only for Documentary and Short genres, but luckily internally it works for all of them. So this way, if you want to search for multiple genres using OR logic, you just need to include all of the other genres with this negative filter, and you will get the desired results.

But for developers, it would be much better if you include this support in the UI - especially considering that you don't need to change anything in back-end. All you have to do, is to include two panels with genre buttons, but make the second add genres to the filter with exclamation mark, so let's hope this issue will be fixed soon.