2 Messages


80 Points

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023 8:03 AM

No Status


Lists: Badge for titles in one of your lists

When we add a title to watchlist we will see a check badge in the movie poster in top left, but when add a title to a created list we dont have any indication to tell you that this title is already in your lists.

Can we add this option to have more organized collection and we have all time the indication that a title is on your list ( maybe a badge with other color not yellow like of the watchlist)

Thank you.



7.5K Messages


182.3K Points

1 year ago

@Charradi This would be quite computationally expensive, but we will leave the idea open for voting.  

Just checking you are aware that you can already check on which lists a title appears directly from the title page (via the down-arrow to the right of “+ Add to Watchlist”)

2 Messages


80 Points

Hi Needham,

Yes, I know that we can check if the title can be verified via the down-arrow to the right of “+ Add to Watchlist” but it's not practical at all !!

Technically it's not very complex to do it, just it's need to modify the SQL query that make appear the yellow check mark.

I think it's an idea very helpful, if not we need to put all titles in the watchlist without organization.


2 Messages


74 Points

25 days ago

That will enable people to know weather a title is in their watchlist or checkins easier. The most basic function I think off is knowing weather you watched, want to watch, got, want to get a film just by landing on its page.
It feels like a natural expansion of the green watchlist checkmark itself

The idea can expand to custom lists too, maybe with people choosing the colour of their list. And 2 lists having the same colour is still an improvement over all but one
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Lists: You could have different colour checkmarks for different lists

19 Messages


346 Points

I have a theoretical question: is the IMDb development team considering adding one more check mark on each poster, this time for the Check-ins? The Watchlist has such feature, so is there a remote possibility that also the Check-ins will have one?

I mean something similar to this:

Of course it could be made exclusive, so a title would need to be either in one or the other list, not both.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Check-in idea

22 Messages


658 Points

25 days ago

Would be helpful if you can see if the movie is on any of your lists, without going to its page. For example if do a search and are going through the results, or if your looking at someone else's list, if would be handy to see if its on any of your lists.  This could be added text saying this is on list "name of list", or just hovering the cursor over an area and having your lists pop up, and it showing if its in any of them.

I have lists for movies that I own in various collectiongs of foreing,docu,english, and when I come across a movie it would be great to be able to tell that I have it, without having to click on the movie, go to its page, then go into the add to lists menu to see if its in there already.

maybe others feel similar!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Ability to see if a movie is on any of your lists without going to its page



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

12Aug2024 Edit to say: To my knowledge, the script no longer works.

I have a user script (works via Tampermonkey) that does what you describe, and colorizes titles according to the settings I specify (modifying the code of the script.) I didn't write the script, just found it online a few years ago. Search for "IMDb 'My Movies' enhancer". IMDb would be much LESS fun/useful without it.

22 Messages


658 Points

so I just installed greasemonky addon in firefox, and installed that script. Restarted browser. But I don't see anything different on the imdb website. Not sure how it is supposed to work, but I did a advanced search to create a list of popular movies, and I wasn't able to see any different colors for ones that were in some of my lists?

22 Messages


658 Points

I also saw someone comment this

Posted: 2020-07-26
Report comment

the author is hosting it at https://openuserjs.org/scripts/AltoRetrato/IMDb_My_Movies_enhancer
however it doesnt work anyway

so maybe it doesn' work anymore ?



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

12Aug2024 Edit to say: To my knowledge, the script no longer works.

It works for Chrome under Tampermonkey.
Don't know if the author still supports Firefox/Greasemonkey.
Here's a sample:

But you have to modify the color specifics.
On version 2020.02.28  [1.48], color specifications start around line 255. The next paragraph for controlling which list(s) get the color when a title/name is on multiple lists (var listOrder). Those are the only places I customize.
And you have to load the highlighting data into memory using the button on the Your Lists page:



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

12Aug2024 Edit to say: To my knowledge, the script no longer works.

I can't resist. Here's a cast list, complete with colorized people. The brown (actually DarkGoldenrod) are people on my newly minted list of actors with 100+ sound credits.

22 Messages


658 Points

After I did highlight refresh it works. I also have V1.48, I actually just left chrome because srolling wasn't as smooth as on firefox, so I wouldn't of went back. Ok so green = it is on my lists, which includes having it rated, which I guess means its on my "ratings list". And it is in gold when its on my watch list. Both of these can be redundant at times though, because there is the watchlist button on most pages, which would be green, and there is also the rating , so I can already see if it has been rated. But It shows what lists it is in when holding it over the green, so that works for what I needed.

Any tips/ideas on how to get any more functionality by changing color schemes?

Else I will leave it as is, since I can now see if a movie is on my lists, so not sure what more I want, or can do with it.

thx ;)



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

12Aug2024 Edit to say: To my knowledge, the script no longer works.

I have over 100 title lists, and use a few colors. Here's an idea of how I use them (without the 3 people colors), and I prioritize "own":
      customColors["Your Watchlist"] = "DarkOrchid";
      customColors["Your check-ins"] = "DarkGreen";
      customColors["DefaultColor"]   = "DarkOrange";
      customColors["Your ratings"]   = "LimeGreen";
      customColors["Netflix Ratings"] = "LimeGreen";
      customColors["online free"] = "Black";
      customColors["own"] = "MediumVioletRed";
      customColors["WISHLIST dancing"] = "Turquoise";
      customColors["WISHLIST non dancing"] = "Turquoise";
      customColors["WISHLIST opera"] = "Turquoise";
      customColors["Watchlist, already released"] = "Turquoise";

22 Messages


658 Points

Wow, my system is for once more simple! I think the default works fine, as long as I can see I have it on a list and which list that is, by hovering, that's great. Thanks for sharing this great extension. Had no idea, someone would have created this for imdb.

2 Messages


60 Points

@bderoes​ Is this still working to this day ?Cannot figure out how to make it work



1.2K Messages


51.8K Points

Unfortunately, it no longer works.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


I've edited my posts above to add this:

12Aug2024 Edit to say: To my knowledge, the script no longer works.