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70 Points

Tuesday, January 24th, 2023 8:46 AM

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Date for rating

If I want to see when I rated a movie, why can't I see it on the specific movie? or maybe I can, I just haven't discovered it yet?

I can only find the date I rated the movie in my list of ratings (your ratings) but if I go to a specific title, I can see my rating but not when I rated the movie

If I have over 2000 titles om my rating list of films I have rated, it's rather time consuming to find the date on the film 

E.g. I want to see what date I rated the movie "Jojo Rabbit". I search the title and when I see the page for movie I can see how many stars I have given to the movie but not the date.

Then I can see I gave it xx stars - then I can search "Your ratings" and narrow it down to the movies I gave xx stars because on that list I can see the date I rated the movies. But since I have 1000 titles with xx stars, it will still take me a long time to scoll down that list



5K Messages


118.1K Points

2 years ago

I agree the date needs to be easier to find.

My workaround is probably too convoluted for most people, but here it is:

I add the title to a short list, and then export the list. I use the same list each time, and have the export URL bookmarked for this purpose. Export shows the date rated.

Having the rating date on the title page is the best solution.

Having the standard Refine options, like sorting alphabetically, would be helpful too. You may want to vote for/comment on this thread:




5K Messages


118.1K Points


My workaround is far less work than keeping a spreadsheet just to see the date rated.

Frankly, exporting my entire ratings each time I wanted that info would be less work than keeping a spreadsheet with every title seen.