2 Messages


80 Points

Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 9:15 AM

No Status


Death Notices of Actor, Directors in "Related News" is depressing

Frequently, the "Related News" section  just gives information about deaths of actors, directors etc. It becomes quite depressing after a while. Wouldn't it be better to have a link to this type of information rather then have the names of people who have died right there on the main page. That way if readers wanted to know about deaths they could click the link. I'm guessing few people would do so. And when the so called related news is about a death that was perhaps 10 or more year ago, it becomes a bit non-news I would say.

Reading that an actor, whose work you have enjoyed, had recently died is never enjoyable. So why put such information right there on the main page. Is IMDb just trying to depress everyone? It seems that way sometimes.

2 Messages


80 Points

2 years ago

Very enlightening. I hadn't thought of the fact that so much of what we read is collated automatically by programming. Thank you.
