tom_wake's profile

447 Messages


7.4K Points

Monday, September 19th, 2022 11:28 AM

In Progress

Episodes with same release dates displaying in wrong order

So, when episodes are displayed on a person's filmography page, they're usually sorted by episode order because this is determined by the release dates.

But, now that more and more complete seasons are being made available online on the same day, this creates a problem. Ideally, if a whole season has the same release date, it should be sorted by episode number, but apparently this isn't the case, and it tends to look a bit messy.

Here's an example:

(Taken from the filmography page of Aisling Bea)

From what I can gather, where the release dates are all the same, it defaults to sorting by the number of the IMDb page. So if the episodes happen to be added in order, it's all well and good, but if they were submitted at the same time and processed in the same batch, they might be assigned page numbers out of sequence, and displayed as above.

It seems like this could be resolved by having the sorting system default to episode numbers instead of URL page numbers when the release dates match - would this be an easy fix to make?



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

2 years ago

@tom_wake  Thanks for the problem report.  I was about to report that this is already fixed in the new version of the name pages (not currently public) but we seem to have replicated the same error.  We will add this to the bug list for the new pages. 



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

2 years ago

@tom_wake  This has now been fixed with the launch of the new name pages (athough not in "All credits" view since that is based on the old technology).  Thanks again for the problem report. 

447 Messages


7.4K Points

@Col_Needham​ Thanks for this, but I've just re-checked the example in my original message and the same problem still seems to be there:

Unless this is what is meant by "all credits" view, but this seems to be the only way to see any episode credits at all?




7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@tom_wake​ Argh, sorry.  It looked like this had been fixed as a side effect of another change.  



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@tom_wake​ We have re-flagged this to the appropriate team for an update. Sorry for the delay.