1 Message


70 Points

Monday, July 15th, 2024 1:40 AM



Found on the app but not the web site

I was looking for info on where I could find the first Mission Impossible movie (what streamer, if any) and it was indeed an impossible mission to find that info on the imdb web site. I tried the imdb app on my phone and found out in about 3 seconds. Why isn't this info on the web site and if it is, where should I be looking?



7.4K Messages


181K Points

6 months ago

@hibrowe  We have been providing watch offers on the web site since 1997, back when there was only physical media.  For details please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/how-can-i-watch-a-movie-or-tv-show/G4GAAPL3XS2E99KY and for the most recent upgrade to the watch offer display, see https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/introducing-new-logo-centric-watchbar/652ea8f7477f6f20ed810e3e

As to why they are not showing for you, this is difficult to diagnose without further details, sorry. The first thing to try is another browser and disabling any plug-ins, VPNs, or ad blockers as explained on https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/common-issues/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF

If this does not help, please check your location settings on https://www.imdb.com/preferences/general and upload a screen-grab here. Please also confirm: in which country you are located; a list of 3-5 titles which are missing the watch offers; and details of which browser(s) you have tried. 

Hope this helps. 



7.4K Messages


181K Points

… and just to illustrate, here is https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117060/ as viewed here in the UK, see the red highlighted box:



7.4K Messages


181K Points

6 months ago

@hibrowe  Thanks again for your question; as a result we have updated the help at

https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/how-can-i-watch-a-movie-or-tv-show/G4GAAPL3XS2E99KY to better explain this.