13 Messages


266 Points

Saturday, December 24th, 2022 1:57 PM



Have a problem with the lists

The keywords section occasionally seems to exclude certain movies.

On this list for example:


When selecting no keywords, when you don’t select a keyword, it says their are 8 films tagged “f rated” but when you select the keyword, it shows 10 with that keyword

there’s a lot more but this is just one example



7.4K Messages


275K Points

2 years ago

Can you provide any examples?

13 Messages


266 Points


On this list for example:


When selecting no keywords, when you don’t select a keyword, it says their are 8 films tagged “f rated” but when you select the keyword, it shows 10 with that keyword

there’s a lot more but this is just one example


13 Messages


266 Points

So, are you planning on responding?

13 Messages


266 Points


also I’ve been realizing this even is happening with keywords when you straight up just search for them. Search a random keyword and click on another keyword and you’ll see what it says how many that have the keyword and how many actually have the keyword are noticeably different 



7.4K Messages


275K Points

Sorry, I don't know how to reproduce this situation myself, so I can't comment. Hopefully someone else can help you.

13 Messages


266 Points

2 years ago

On this list for example:


When selecting no keywords, when you don’t select a keyword, it says their are 8 films tagged “f rated” but when you select the keyword, it shows 10 with that keyword

there’s probably a lot more but this is just one example



5K Messages


118.1K Points


I was able to reproduce what you reported on this list.

You will need a staff member to reply.

(I'm just a user with an extra badge.)



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@awesomereesee​ Hi!

Thanks for reporting this, I have let our team in charge know so they can check on this.


13 Messages


266 Points

Any updates?



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@awesomereesee​ I will keep you posted with any updates, but it might take some time.

Thanks for your patience!

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

I did some testing of this, and I can confirm that it is a glitch. I will describe the glitch in a little more detail.

The glitch is occurring with many lists that can be sorted by multiple-keyword combinations. This includes user lists and keyword search results.  In those types of lists, there will be up to 100 different keywords displayed in the keyword selection menu.

When the glitch happens, it only applies to the bottom part of the keywords on the list, and typically starts halfway through, at or around the 50th keyword. And the glitch typically gets worse as the keyword list progresses, with the glitch most apparent around the 99th or 100th keyword. 

So for example, in @awesomereesee's list, the glitch starts at keyword #49, "fireworks," which is listed as applying to 14 titles, yet in reality it applies to 16 titles. The numbers for all keywords higher in the list above "fireworks" are accurate. But when you get to the bottom of the list, at keyword #99, "fight," the glitch is most pronounced -- the number indicated is 8 titles, but when you select "fight" it is actually 12 titles.

Here's where it gets really interesting: the glitch doesn't happen at all unless the number of applicable titles for each keyword is relatively small -- like less than 100. (I haven't figured out the exact number.) So for example, on this keyword search list, when you select "funeral" (the last keyword on the list, indicated at 186 titles), it does actually show 186 titles. But on this list, when you get to around keyword #82 on the list, "bare-chested-male," the glitch starts to show up -- it indicates 37 keywords on the menu, but when you select that keyword it shows 43 keywords.

Okay, I did some more testing and it appears that for the glitch to manifest, the number of titles indicated in the menu must be very low. On this list, it indicates 57 titles for "barefoot-female," but when you select that keyword, it shows 66 titles. All keywords higher on the list than "barefoot-female" are accurately counted.

On this list, the glitch first arises at keyword "danger," which indicates 41 titles, but actually has 45 titles. All keywords on the list higher than "danger" are accurately counted.

I did find lists where the glitch is not happening, and that's because all 100 keywords on the list have a lot of titles. You can check that for yourself here, where the numbers for the top 100 most popular keywords on non-Adult titles are all accurately counted.


(Okay, that link won't work if you click on it, but try going to this link instead, and unselect "violence" and you will see the link I am trying to share.)

Now that I have looked into this, I believe I have observed this glitch before, but always assumed that the numbers were just a little bit off because keywords had been newly added and weren't yet reflected in the keyword menus on these results. But having looked closely at it today, I can confirm that this is a definite glitch with a definite pattern.

The best description of the glitch is that when the keyword menu within a list or search result is compiled, the system simply stops counting some of the titles after a certain point in the list, but only when the total number of titles per keyword would be relatively low. 


13 Messages


266 Points

2 years ago

What’s the progress right now?

2.7K Messages


47K Points


You created this thread only a week ago (during the holiday season), and since then you have already asked for updates twice.

The last time you asked, Bethanny already said this:

I will keep you posted with any updates, but it might take some time.

Thanks for your patience!

That was only 4 days ago, which included a holiday weekend. 

My advice is to relax and just wait for staff to update you. This is not an urgent glitch and it has very little impact on anything.