17.7K Messages
315.8K Points
IMDb Advanced Search Redesign
We are excited to announce IMDb’s Advanced Search redesign! Customers are now able to leverage all three sub-searches (Name, Title, Collaborations) on a single search page, making it easier to update search queries and navigate to desired results. The refreshed search is meant to enhance the IMDb experience for all customers worldwide, improving the discovery and navigation with easier access to celebrity, movie, and TV content on any device. The updated experience reflects feedback and suggestions from customers as well as in-depth research.
For more information about the redesign you can review our FAQ, and for more information on how to use the new Advanced Search feature you can find details on our Help Guide.
We hope you enjoy this latest improvement, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world's most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.
- The IMDb team
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
1 year ago
@Michelle 😀
Michelle, Employee
IMDb Advanced Search Redesign Beta
Opened Monday, October 16th, 2023
Closed Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
10.7K Messages
225.6K Points
1 year ago
O, here is the new thread.
3 Messages
102 Points
1 year ago
Oh boy, you can't even see the directors and the cast listed next to the films in the search results anymore. So now if you want to see that info you have to click the little "i" icon next to the film title, which is very time consuming. And then there's the dreaded infinite scroll too. Big downgrade, as far as I'm concerned.
13 Messages
182 Points
1 year ago
Hi, I tried to reply in the search thread, but it is closed, or I would respond directly to the Col for his gracious response..
I cannot search for a movie quote any more. I get a list of movies and their plot. If I search for a movie that contains a quote with the word "beer" I get a movie that uses the word beer. Not the quote and the movie, just the movie and a brief synopsis. This is useless when it comes to searching for quotes since now I have to click the movie, find the quotes section on the page, click through, and do a ctrl+f to find "beer".
45 Messages
1K Points
1 year ago
What exactly is the advantage of an infinite scroll opposed to pages of fifty results? At least on the user end it doesn't improve anything and just makes it more inconvenient. I do hope you consider changing at least this aspect of it; I could get used to the rest of the changes, but infinite scrolling has no benefits as far I can see.
296 Messages
6.2K Points
1 year ago
50 more ﹀ should be added at the top of the page (as well).
547 Messages
9.7K Points
1 year ago
first the came for search
now they came for advanced search
14.7K Messages
333K Points
1 year ago
The predefined example "700,000" under number of votes includes a comma, but if you actually enter a comma it doesn't work.
7 Messages
146 Points
1 year ago
This past year has felt like a downfall for IMDB. This "advanced search redesign" for webpage is terrible. I first encountered it while viewing the deaths in 2023. It is way too convoluted. The old layout was much more simple. Anyone can see that the feedback for these re-designs has been mostly negative. Hopefully IMDB takes this into account in the near future.
1 Message
68 Points
1 year ago
I can't select West Germany and East Germany in Countries list
14.7K Messages
333K Points
1 year ago
Excluding results by adding ! in the URL used to work for the Title Data/Name Data section, now "Page topics". It doesn't work now. For example, my answer to this question no longer works:
How do I exclude dead actors from search listings
7 Messages
124 Points
1 year ago
How do you change the number of results that return on a search from 50 to 250?
2 Messages
70 Points
1 year ago
i was just using advanced search, set to the old version, when i refresh and suddenly it switches to the redesign. i hate this redesign, is there any way to use the old version? i can't believe imdb would think this redesign is an improvement, advanced search was the best part of this website and this redesign ruins it.
3 Messages
80 Points
1 year ago
Is there any possible way to access the old compact viewing option or a view that is more compact than currently available under the new advanced search? You can only view 5 movies at a time under the new compact view. Under the old compact view it was 14 at a time.
2 Messages
90 Points
1 year ago
I use IMDB's search function to generate a list of movies I may be interested in. This list has over 400,000 titles in it, so I browse it for a while and then bookmark the page I end up on to keep my place in the list. I've been doing this for several months, so I was up to titles beginning with "bl"
I went to my last bookmarked page today and discovered that it put me back to the very beginning of the list, and now I have to click "250 more" to see the next set of titles. However, because I cannot keep my place in the list, I would have to click this option an unreasonable amount of times to get back to my place in the list.
Please allow users to go back to the old search results layout. Otherwise I cannot use this site anymore.