16 Messages
332 Points
IMdb.com still a nightmare of loading and navigation issues due to their thoughtless, stupid ad banners
A few years back IMDB did a redesign, and I complained along with a lot of others. I promised I'd stop using the site. The workaround was to use the mobile app, which I did. That said, I'm old-fashioned and prefer browsing on a computer sometimes. Call me crazy, but I like actually seeing a full page of a website when I am on it.
As I've been reminded over the last few days, that is not possible with IMDB. Nothing's gotten better on the website version; it's only gotten worse.
So can someone please tell me why a website is so selfishly designed? Not only does it load like molasses every few clicks due to loading of yet another pop-down ad, that pop-down ad TAKES UP HALF THE REAL ESTATE OF THE WEBPAGE! All content is blocked! Every few seconds! It's like adding a pinch more flour to brownie batter every few seconds as you get closer to putting the pan in the oven: you never get to bake the brownies because there are too many disruptions! That's what it's like trying to look at content on your once-awesome website. Impossible, and no longer worth it.
7.4K Messages
181.1K Points
11 months ago
@Marlyd Thanks for the feedback, however, the above does not describe the expected behaviour on IMDb. The ad volume on IMDb is lighter when compared to most other popular ad supported web sites. Please remember that it is the ads which pay for your access. Which other major ad-supported sites do you regularly visit where there are significantly fewer ads?
It sounds like you may have something running on your browser which is either injecting additional ads or is somehow interfering with how ads are served on IMDb. We recommend following the advice on https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/common-issues/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF particularly the points on trying other browsers; also please be aware that many so called browser accelerator plug-ins can actually have the opposite effect. In terms of general speed of the site ... in which country are you located? See the points in the help article on disabling VPN access and possibly trying different networks, if available.
Hope this helps.
16 Messages
332 Points
11 months ago
Thanks for explaining, and it's good to know my experience is not the expected behavior! And yes I definitely appreciate that ads give me access, it's just frustrating when the ads block all of the content. Thanks for sending a link to an article, I will take a look and hopefully that will resolve the error :).