2 Messages
80 Points
Improve actor seen page
The Seen page for actors is currently really impractical to use.
If my main purpose is to easily see a list of movies and TV Series an actor played in, and I visit the Seen page, I need to scroll through a potentially very long list, and detect the few entries I've actually seen. For example, Emma Thompson's page has 400+ entries and I've seen only 5, and to find out which ones, I need to scroll through the entire 400+ list to find out what I'm actually interested in. Just like there is a checkbox to "Hide titles I've seen", perhaps there could be an option to only show titles I've seen. Moreover, a checkbox is an awkward control to regulate this, I would suggest having buttons that perform these functions instead.
In addition, as another idea suggested, I also believe the seen page would benefit from being able to sort the items. Alphabetically and chronologically are both useful. Being able to sort by seen state would be another way to enable the user to group the titles they've seen or those they've not seen. At any rate, currently the titles seem to be sorted randomly by default, which is confusing and not useful for any use case.
Being able to choose only one title type and one role type seems like an unnecessary limitation. Perhaps the dropdown lists could be replaced by lists of checkboxes, so that the user could select a combination of, say, "Actor" and "Self", rather than just one at a time.
Finally, I find that including episodes of TV series together with movies adds a lot of clutter to the page. An alternative would be: each series is listed once, and under that, indented, is a list of all episodes that the actor in question has been in, sorted in the same way as the outer list.
7.4K Messages
181.1K Points
2 years ago
@AAltanis Thanks for the feedback. The /seen/ page is one of our older pages scheduled to be updated when it moves to the new technology and design.
In the meantime, there are already several ways to access many of the views you are seeking:
1. On the existing /seen/ page you can filter by title type via the menu in the “Show” line at the top of the page (it defaults to “All Title Types”). For example, Emma Thompson’s movies as an actress only -> https://www.imdb.com/seen/nm0000668-actress-movie/
2. Click the “All Topics” link in the upper right of any name page and then select “by Year” in the “Credits” column. In the “Refine” box at the top, in the “You and This List” you can select “Titles I rated” to restrict the view to just those titles for which you have voted. You can use other filters in this box as appropriate, for example, Emma Thompson’s movies as an actress which you have seen -> https://www.imdb.com/filmosearch/?explore=title_type&role=nm0000668&ref_=filmo_ref_job_typ&sort=year,desc&mode=detail&page=1&job_type=actress&title_type=movie&my_ratings=restrict and the same view sorted by the number of votes -> https://www.imdb.com/filmosearch/?explore=title_type&role=nm0000668&ref_=filmo_ref_job_typ&sort=num_votes,desc&mode=detail&page=1&job_type=actress&title_type=movie&my_ratings=restrict
3. You can use advanced title search at https://www.imdb.com/search/title/ and enter a name in the “Filmography” section then use the other filters and sorts to select what you need. For example, Emma Thompson’s movies which you have seen, sorted by your rating -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&role=nm0000668&my_ratings=restrict&sort=my_ratings,desc&count=250
Hope this helps.
2 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
Hi Col, thank you for your response. I appreciate you showing me how what I want can be done using the IMDB advanced search and via the "All topics" menu. I was aware of some of this, but not all.
I hope you understand and agree that a lot of this information, though available, would be useful to have more accessible, possibly even included in the main actor page by default (the reason I started thinking about this, after all, is that the IMDB Android app displays a "You know them from" section in each actor page by default).
So I hope that the devs will get around to update the seen page and make it more prominently accessible from the actor page, or even include some of its information by default.
Thanks for the help.
8 Messages
142 Points
2 years ago
On the “seen” page for titles and actors such as https://www.imdb.com/seen/tt0821359/ there is a button to “hide titles I’ve seen.” It would be useful to have a button to do the opposite, that is, show only what HAS been seen from the list. I often come to IMDb to see where I’ve seen an actor before, and this button would really help.
(For anyone reading this who doesn't know, if you go to the URL of an actor or title, etc. and replace the word "name" or "title" with "seen" you can mark which items you've seen.)